USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

@CADREAMIN do you think being a legacy applicant would be a liability for getting the presidential or trustee scholarship since the admissions office would think they do not need to entice you to accept admission to USC?

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Does anyone know how many applicants they received prior to the merit scholarship deadline?

Sorry not exactly sure. But if you look at last data set which is probably the best indication of this year is was around 7 thousand applicants.

Can you point to where you found that on the CDS?

Two years ago we attended Explore USC. At that event they announced that they received 59K applications and 40K were received by December 1. This was for the HS class of 2020.

ETA I just checked last year’s thread and it looks like they were told 79K applications with 41K received by December 1.

It has been at or about 40k consistently for several years now. Applications go up some years but the 40k figure plus or minus 1k stays pretty consistent.

Is the expectation that notification of the scholarships will be made in late January?
How involved are individual schools in the selection of those who get the invitations to interview?

Last year it was on Feb 12. USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision - #980 by DERICKKWAN

If I recall correctly, in 2020, admissions decisions were sent in the mail and started arriving on Jan 24.

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Last year was an anomaly being that late. For previous 10 years it had always been around January 23-25th. Not sure if covid chaos was cause for it to be later last year and that is better this year, or if that is the new normal. It has a domino effect on the Explore sessions through orientation, so I would guess they’d like to get back to January release. But omicron could create more delays again so we will just have to see. Set expectations for second week in Feb, but hope it is last week-ish of January!


Two reasons could account for the delay. First, they weren’t mailing out the boxes so they didn’t have to wait for USPS delivery. Second, Explore USC and interviews were virtual so students didn’t have to arrange flights, hotels, etc.

If they are able to go back to an in person Explore USC, my guess is that they will probably go back to admitting earlier to give students time to make travel arrangements.

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The Schools within USC are very involved, as they are admitting applicants too. Scholarship notifications in Jan/Feb include the offer of admission… and those offers are not as Undeclared, so an assignment to a major is included as well.

Does USC formally request mid year transcripts or are we just supposed to upload them to the portal when we get them? Thanks!

Upload them when you get them so they have what they need to make decisions.


Just worried about a sudden uptick in apps to USC this year as CommonApp crashed on Dec 1. I don’t recall CommonApp crashing on Dec 1 last year and not aware of any other major deadlines on Dec 1 for CommonApp.

Does USC send out likely letters?

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While certain Schools and programs within USC do send out various forms of communication, I would not characterize such as “likely” indicators. They do send out such communications to far more applicants than they can eventually accept. As for USC overall, I do not recall ever hearing about such a practice of “likely letters” being generated and sent out.

I suggest a quick review of the Insider’s Guide to Admissions to potentially gain some insights into what lies ahead as an applicant…

An Insider’s Look at USC College Admissions • Trojan Family Magazine

Good Luck

Did everyone get an email today about connecting with usc virtually for prospective students?

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Yes, I got one too!

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not me:(
