USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

i got a financial aid email requesting for more information on the 19th this month, idk if thats what you’re talking about

My daughter got an email this past weekend about needing additional financial aid info. We will find out tomorrow if that meant anything.

My daughter got that email too but we were not able to upload at time of application submission because of some issues on the website. We asked USC and they said don’t worry about it, if they need it then they will ask it later. So I thought that email was for that since we did not submit it earlier. Surprised to hear others got email too.

A lot of financial aid processing is part of a very automated system. When things aren’t turned in by a certain date, the system kicks out emails requesting the info. One form may also trigger additional info needed (say divorced parents, business owners, self employed etc), and again, an email is sent. For those whose files are complete, they won’t get additional requests. These email requests are not indicative of admission, but it’s hard not to see any communication at this point as anything but a good sign!

There was some portal astrology concerning veri-tax a couple years ago. Problem is, only those that get accepted bother to post, so results are always skewed and not reliable. Those rejected just disappear from sites like this. Too small a sample when it’s only a few posters out of thousands of results.


I got that email 2-3 weeks ago, but I doubt it means anything

I’m betting on a denial for my kid tomorrow. They’re NMF but weren’t chosen for the scholarship admits. No request for additional FA info. :wink: USC was the only school that offers NM money that they were remotely interested in, and because of the early scholarship deadline, my kid rushed to apply because why not try to use the NM $? We visited and they attended online events, but I have a feeling USC will see it isn’t the best fit. Just have a feeling.

Please don’t use the FA request as a guage of anything. Thousands turn everything needed by February and never hear a peep more from USC regarding FA - and are still admitted.

Try to find some mindless TV or something to stay distracted (I know, it’s impossible). In less than 24 hours, all will be known and I wish you good news!


What are the chances of getting into USC. Waitlisted at multiple places. Admitted to UC Davis, UCR, UCSC

Last year it was under 13%. Looks to be about the same this year.

My son also got into Davis but is not interested since we live in the Bay Area. I wanted him to be open to it since it’s such a great school but sadly no. Only wants to be in SoCal. He will most likely go to either LMU or Chapman if USC doesn’t accept him.


What time are decisions expected to come?

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I would guess the same. They will likely admit less overall to account for the new projected yield rate… 41.2% last year… as they aim for a freshman class of 3000-3300 versus the 3460 from two years ago or the 3668 from last year. So, I would guess that the maximum number they will admit for the fall will be circa 7850-8150 versus the 8884 admitted last year.

above, cadreamin said usually it is 3 pm PST but a specific time hasn’t been formally announced

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wow! That’s a lot of full pay!I do hear things about the welfare and feeling even if you are middle class that you certainly don’t have the kind of money that a lot of the students have

do they lean towards first gen out of state

I’m not sure what they prefer these days. My daughter is a legacy SCion and that used to offer some added confidence in the application process, but I really don’t think she has a better chance than someone that might get preference for being a first generation student.

My daughter has a 4.07 UW GPA and took all the AP and honors classes available to her, and I’m not feeling at all confident about an acceptance today.

USC is not looking for just one aspect necessarily. It will more likely be a combination of factors. And due to the cruel numbers game these days, thousands upon thousands of well qualified applicants will not gain admission today. In the current environment, even 90% of all legacy applicants are unfortunately turned away.

With recent USC admit rates in the range of 11-16%, and with 4K+ applicants with 4.0 unweighted GPAs and test scores in the 99th percentile among those not gaining admission each year, any specific applicant’s success will likely depend on too many potential factors for anyone to correctly evaluate… making predicting admission nearly impossible. But this also shows that they admit many without perfect grades or test scores.

They are seeking to craft a well-rounded and diverse freshman class of 3000-3300 comprised of those who actually have a strong affinity for or connection to USC. They do aim to admit those who they project will thrive well at USC and bring something unique to the campus environment.

Each admission decision will likely come down to a composite and holistic analysis of your stats coupled with writing ability / essays, ECs, potential leadership roles, potential other unique qualifiers (URM, First Gen, geography, demographics, etc.), your Why USC? explanation/reasoning, etc. And that “Why USC?” explanation is likely the most important single component of your application. You do need to provide a well-thought out and well-researched answer as to why attending USC is truly significant and important to you specifically. And moreover, USC does want to gain a sense as to what you will be uniquely contributing to the greater USC community if admitted.

Good luck to all those awaiting a final decision later today…


Does everyone see “application management” when they login?

can you take a screenshot of it to see what it looks like? please :slight_smile:

Where is that?