USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

While I don’t have first hand experience, I have heard that they are good for premed but not as good for allied health professions such as optometry, nursing, PA, PT, OT, etc.

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Anyone here able to sign up for housing? It says they’ll send an email but curious if anyone got the email yet?

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This is a good point. By comparison, at USC, my son was able to get 32 elective and GE credits for most of his AP classes. This has enabled him to pursue an additional major. This is definitely something a student should look into and consider, depending on the major. You can find this information here: AP Exam Credit at USC - Office of Academic Records and Registrar


I have not yet.

@CADREAMIN “the weird window of waiting” is a perfect way to put it lolz – thanks!! We’ll just ride it out. Thank you!

UPDATE: Looking at FAST, they are apparently pushing the “weird window” [update: now AKA WWOW] now PAST the national admissions notification expectation of April 1: “Financial Aid Summaries for new freshmen will be released in early April.”


Is it possible to live in McCarthy as a non Presidential/Trustee scholar (aka a regular student)? Does anyone know someone who’s done this before or if they do actually let a few each year?

The next priority would go to Deans scholarships but realistically it is rare.

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in the past it’s only occured if random unexpected vacancies happen and you would likely be with upperclassmen so not the best social experience. But if you want to try, it’s up to you. There really isn’t a bad housing choice there.


Yes, they are slow at it…3-5 business days after decisions is the optimistic window of waiting, many don’t hear till well into April. With the May 1st deadline, the wwow (that’s for you @MusicMom100) can be pretty stressful for those that need FA to attend, as everyone just wants to reach a decision. But if the aid comes (in a good form and not just loan suggestions), it’s worth the wait.


Anyone know if Explore USC varies a great deal from Admitted students day? Trying to see if we will go to both or just admitted students day? Any thoughts from our most awesome :sunglasses: Forum Champions???

My student was accepted in Feb 2020 so we attended Explore USC before the world shut down. At that time, they conducted in-person merit interviews during Explore USC. Previously, it was a two day event and the merit students spent the night in the dorms with upperclassmen. For the Class of 2024 and 2025 there was no in-person admitted student day.


Do they usually process Fin Aid alphabetically and will they send out an email when it’s ready? Don’t want to sound too impatient :unamused:

@CADREAMIN has way more experience than me but there doesn’t appear to be any method to their madness. Just stay on top of it both now and throughout your student’s college career.

This is part of the reason that we said not to put too much weight into what documents you are being asked for or what shows up on the FAST page prior to admissions decisions. The Financial Aid people seem to be working in their own little world at their own pace. :disappointed:


May 2 is the national decision day.

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We did send all fin aid related documents back in January so never received any additional doc request. So hopefully things move fast :pray:

It doesn’t hurt to call. Maybe try first thing in the morning before they get busy. You will be put on hold for a long time so make sure your phone is charged. :laughing:


Daughter Unfortunately Rejected :confused:

  • Rejected
  • Dornslife for Pre-Law Path
  • Southern California
  • 3.9 UW / 4.3 W, 490 hours of community service, Sunday School Teacher, Mentor and Tutor for at-promise middle school kids, AP Scholar with Honor Distinction, Guitar Teaching Job, Poll Worker, Christian Club Founder at School, Senior Class President, ASB for two years, First Gen College Advisor at School, Varsity Softball for Two Years
    Denied: UCLA, UCI,

My D lives in Marks Tower. It was her 3rd choice and she really likes it. It’s quieter than New North. The girls on her floor get along. It’s close to the quad, the dining hall and library. There is also a nice quiet patio area in the back where students can meet with friends or study. No AC, but she didn’t really need her floor fan later in the Fall. It’s a desert climate, so it does cool down at night. I highly recommend freshmen live in the freshmen quad. I’m an alum and I lived in what is now New North. It was really the best place to make new friends.


Admitted students day is a weekend day and includes housing tours which Explore does not, but Explore offers the same except the housing tour (but you do get to eat at residence hall - prob at the Village). Explore is on a weekday so you would see more students on campus, where at admitted, it’s mostly the admits. Frankly, a lot of the info overlaps and you won’t really miss anything attending one over the other. Explore was a bit smaller scale but same info/spirit. You may just pick the one most convenient for you. Admitted students day feels like a party (and it is). Even there, my daughter met her admissions rep in person (they had exchanged a couple emails) and he knew the hs she came from and mentioned fun stuff he liked from her essay. Impressive.

My advice if you want to take the bus/trolly tour of the neighborhood do that early - it can be like a Disneyland ride wait otherwise.

Don’t miss the talk given by usually Brennan (maybe Brunold) at the start of the events at Bovine Auditorium - excellent, entertaining, and with a fun surprise. It leaves you feeling like you made the right choice, delivers great Trojan pride, and you see how awesome the USC students are! It’s the first sip of kool-aid…and it’s amazing. :grin:


D22 rejected
4.0 UW, 15 AP classes all 4/5 on tests, 1490 SAT, ASB pres, FBLA pres, resurrected honor society after COVID cancelled it, fundraised $10K to finance school district inclusion program that lost funding from government, 2 service mission trips, rotary student of month, varsity sport captain, led vaxx effort for elderly arranging appts and transportation - she is devastated, particularly since classmate was accepted (teammate) who has zero extracurriculars other than tennis and she did not submit SAT. Wonder if they took wrong student from the same high school :slight_smile: And is it even worth sending appeal letter?