USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

What does your son think of the Price School? I’ve been accepted to USC as a public policy major.

Very similar profile, also International IB students, I’m currently hesitating between UMich, USC and UCLA, what are you currently thinking of?

We are in the same situation. Debating among UT Austin BHP, USC, UCLA, UCB

Hello. He loves it! He is also a public policy major and he’s finding the classes he has taken so far to be interesting and the other Price School students to be great. The classes are small and the professors are accessible. There are lots of career development opportunities and the progressive degree option (getting the Masters in 5 years) is a bonus. My own background is in public policy analysis and the Price School is one of the country’s top public policy programs. You will leave the Price School with a very strong set of analytical skills and exposure to many policy areas. The health policy program within Price is excellent.


Student Body President
10 APs

Anyone has experience with Economics major and career opportunities? D is trying to choose between UCLA and USC. We are OOS so cost is not the biggest driving factor.

I would describe Viterbi the same way. Small classes, professors who care and who are responsive, ease in getting classes and admin/staff who are there to help you succeed rather than create roadblocks. Once you are accepted into Viterbi, you are accepted into all majors so it is easy to switch majors within the school.

Most important to me is that Viterbi is rigorous but collaborative. It does not have the unhealthy cut-throat culture of engineering/CS programs at other schools.

Depending on where your interests lie, there are lots of opportunities through programs such as Progressive Degree Program, Grand Challenges, undergrad research opportunities and Engineering Plus. Viterbi recently opened Baum Maker Space and is due to open Ginsberg Hall for CS next year.


Does USC have good pre-med advising?

@CADREAMIN I wonder, why admissions and FinAid (and, apparently, merit) communications don’t sync in terms of timing for USC? It’s just really unusual, looking nationally, with respect to admissions offers & packages. Is there some historical reason for this? Just curious, while we um wait patiently… :slight_smile: Thanks, and have a great day, everybody! That final April 1 date for announcements is just around the corner, as we all know…


Exactly which scholarships this next school year can live in McCarthy? And has it changed over the years?

One of mine picked Pardee second ahead of Marks. I don’t remember reason, but I think past Trojans told them to put it as 2 ahead of Marks Tower. Birkrant was 1 (and she had the best time ever there with the whole 8 floors of open doors reputation) and Pardee was 2. I think she did two configurations in Birkrant, then a Pardee choice, then a Marks Tower.

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Trustees and Pres which includes NMFs. Nothing has changes as the Village has only been around since Aug 2017, with two of those covid years. Their have been discussions to phase out honors housing since pretty much everyone at USC is honors and selection is proving subjective and for other reasons that some have issues with.

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My S22 got rejected. Big upper midwest HS, top 1% of class, 33 ACT, NMF. He’d already accepted a full-tuition scholarship to UNL so it wasn’t a big deal, but getting rejected from his top-two reach schools (UT-Austin and USC) stung a little. Had a classmate with weaker stats and similar EC profile that got in so as always, the process can feel quite random.


It’s awful and I think it borders on inconsiderate. I guess cause they can. I’d like to say it’s the need blind cause they process so much they don’t need to, but other schools pull it off. For Thornton specifically, you’d think it would be faster cause it’s such a small program, or is it slower because they are so darn selective? It’s a quandry. They use to give merit a week in front of reg decisions, and I thought that was so much better than at same time and certainly better than days after (last couple years). Just keeping checking FAST to see if anything needed or anything appear. And it’s ok to call admissions and ask if other scholarship could appear at this point - Dean’s, Associates, random USC grant - it happens. Those aren’t given in the merit round so generally show up in the weird window of waiting (if they are giving them).

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Wow, UT is tough to get into, congrats! Are you saying no scores submitted at UT and USC? Any other hooks?

Both are great schools. One thing to look into is size of lectures and ability to register for classes. Both schools’ class registrations can be searched and that will in most cases show the number of seats in any given lecture. That may be of interest to your student. Also while all schools have registration hassles in terms of getting classes you want, I have heard that UCLA is especially a challenge. another thing to investigate is which school accepts what AP class with what score for credit. You are correct that being OOS means the full pay rate is very close.


My son who is a National Merit Finalist and did not get an interview during the first round found out he earned the Presidential Scholarship on Saturday. We knew if he was a NMF and accepted to USC he would get 1/2 off tuition but it always feels better receiving the confirmation.


Great! Thank you for sharing. Did he find out by email or by looking at his FAST portal?

Did he list USC as his first choice with NMSC? If so, when did he do that?

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UCLA does not allow AP scores to be used to satisfy general education requirements.


A lot has to do with how each student communicated their interests in the written responses on the application.

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