USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

That’s prob true. Usc also did it to themselves by not denying admissions during EA stage either. As noted about holistic admissions, I don’t think schools are as holistic as they say they are either. I listened to one school (non USC) live webinar two days ago and they said they are holistic but how holistic are they when they say during the live webinar that every applicant should have all 5 core classes every year of highschool and any reqs done in middle school doesn’t count in their eyes like language? So if done with language by 10th grade they unreasonably said pick up a second Lang or continue at CC because want to see it on 12th grade transcript. Not really holistic. Basically told my child after listening to the webinar - we will prob get denied from that school.


USC should really consider refining the process to rejecting the majority of deferred applicants for the benefit of both the institution and the students. I understand why they do not want further information except mid year grades from 38K+ deferred applicants, but for those on the bubble, not being able to submit accomplishments from the months of November - January really put them at a disadvantage compared to RD applicants. Revisiting a smaller pool of deferred candidate (10% - 15% of applicants) updated with mid year grades plus just one accomplishment update allowed is a better use of AOs’ time IMHO than updating 30K applicants’ file with grades and sifting through and ignoring LOCI’s and unsolicited updates which will happen despite instructions to the contrary. My older daughter was one of those on the bubble for SCEA (not USC) who was eventually admitted during RD by being able to submit significant accomplishment updates and recommendation from principal.


Yeah, my regional AO graduated from USC a year or so ago as well. This was their 2nd cycle

I agree that they need to refine the EA process. But not specifically with allowing more information to be submitted for EA’s who were deferred other then mid year grades. They just need to actually deny applicants who simply don’t meet standards/requirements at USC (classes, gpa, etc).

If an applicant who had an accomplishment from November- January, they could have applied via RD which had a deadline of January 15th and they would have been able to list that accomplishment then.

Also if they received those awards prior to decisions being released, they could have emailed their AO with them and they would have gone in their file.

S23 accepted! He’s shocked and thrilled—USC has always been his top choice!

Dornsife - American Popular Culture
3.95UW 4.25W / 32 ACT superscore
7 APs - all 5s / 4 DE courses
Bay Area, CA / competitive public HS
Strong essays, unique ECs w/ natl leadership/founder roles, theater 4 yrs
Asian-Am / no legacy


It would be interesting to know what proportion of the class ultimately (after March decisions) comes from early applications historically as the number of early applicants this year was similar. I have absolutely no inside information but suspect (because of the tie to merit scholarships) it has been more than half. That would argue in favor of deferring a larger group of students, but would still leave several tens of thousands that could be denied in January.


Thank you. Hoping it is truly “two shots.”


Thank you, hoping you are correct!

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anybody know if usc school of dramatic arts BFA callbacks came out?

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So curious to hear what people think the deciding factors might have been for those accepted. I don’t have any skin — or feelings— in the process yet because my child had to apply RD as performing arts major. I see on this thread so many with stellar stats deferred, and others with seemingly less stellar stats accepted. It may be entirely unknowable and nebulous but would be interested in theories.


There was a link in the admissions letter on your portal.

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After this USC EA acceptance, should I pull my UChicago ED2 application? Does a USC EA acceptance mean a positive future for T10/ivy league acceptances in the RD round? Would rather go to any other T10 or ivy over UChicago (and applied to all of them).

But would regret not ED2ing UChicago if I don’t get into any T10/ivy league

What happens to students who don’t fill out the form by Feb. 1? Are they automatically taken out of RD by default? I hope USC reports applicant numbers after Feb. 1.

No it does not mean that. Every school reviews differently. None of us are AO and can tell you that you will be accepted or not. You should Ed to where you want to go and if accepted have to pull out all your other apps.


DD Deferred from Marshall (preferably World Bachelor’s in Business). 4.0UW. 1520 SAT. APs.
Very strong ECs - State representative chosen to attend leadership academy at FBI headquarters. State and international DECA competitor. Multiple community service and school volunteer positions. USC was her first choice, so she was bummed, but she went in with her eyes wide open about the process. Hoping for different news in April but until then onward!

Do you want to go to USC? If so, pull the Chicago ED app. Acceptances are school specific and not predictive of what other schools will do.

Yeah would not be mad going to USC ngl, but would rather go to UChicago, but would rather go to literally any other T10 or ivy league over USC or UChic

A number of WBB admits are “IB diploma candidates”. The WBB interview is also an important factor. Otherwise, her stats are very good. Wish her all the best!

I think you are the only one who can decide what you should do. Sleep on it, do whatever you feel comfortable and confident that 10 years from now, you won’t regret your decision.


Take into account:
If you get a USC trustee scholarship, would you still be happy with doing UChicago ED2 ?