USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

Nope, would be pretty mad about doing Chicago ED2 in that case. ED2 is coming out on Feb 11th, so is it possible to pull out when merit comes out?

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mid-Feb is when merit scholarship invites will go out.
“Roughly 900 students will be invited to proceed to the next phase of consideration for our top awards: the Trustee and Presidential (full- and half-tuition) scholarships. Their next step is to schedule their scholarship interview via their applicant portal. After interviews, final scholarship decisions will be released in late March.”

I am not NMSQT Finalist, so my chances are lower, but with my ECs/leadership I think I have a decent shot of landing some kind of merit. I think I’m moving towards pulling out of ED2 from UChicago

So mid-Feb you will know if you have a shot at 1/2 or full tuition or none. Not sure mid-Feb will be before or after Feb 10

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I get that you’re only 18 or so, but just going to point out that there are a bunch of other 18 y/o’s on this thread for whom USC is their #1 and ultimate goal who likely will NOT get accepted, and that is a really hard feeling.

I have no skin in this game, but your saying “I’d rather go to XYZ than USC so, what should I do?” when you got in and they did not is a tad bit insensitive on your part.

As others have said, only you know what is best for you, so if you’d rather go somewhere else, either wait till you see what you get, or withdraw. There’s no point in asking other people what only you can decide. Congrats on your accomplishment - I hope you end up at a place where you will be happy and use your powers for good.


It will almost certainly be after Feb 10th.

I think the deal is
a) Pull out of UChicago ED2 → Chance at 1/2 tuition or another T10/ivy
b) Stick with UChicago ED2 → really high chance of landing it, but no other decisions + regret

I’m going with a

17*, but just trying to assess my options

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Good luck! Make the best decision possible…talk w/ parents :crossed_fingers:

I think ultimately a numbers game. By moving all of the EA applicants who didn’t get accepted to the RD pool, they get to pad their stats bout how selective they are. the greater the denominator, the higher their rankings.

Yeah, thats because everyone says “wow that college has such a low acceptance rate and you still got in!”


So you just said USC is your last choice in this statement and now you are going to pull out of ED2 at Chicago, leaving you not knowing if you will get into an Ivy/ T10 and accepted at your last choice school hoping you will get some sort of merit with no guarantee?

Probably need to really talk this over with parents, especially the financials.


Oh no, my parents are prepared to pay full tuition at any top private school, including USC. And to be fair, USC is pretty much ~= UChicago, and UChicago is only a little better to me. Not that much better to sacrifice all 28 decisions left and a chance to get half tuition at USC

Usc and uChicago are very different schools and have different school cultures. You may want to think about what type of school you really want to go to and what type of environment fits you best. Don’t base it on the name of the school but really think about do you want an even keeled school/ play hard work hard or a school culture that is just very intense; collaborative v competitive, etc.


You submitted 30 applications? That is way too many. Now that you have an acceptance, step back and give some serious thought to what you are looking for in a school rather than chasing prestige.



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You seem to be focused on making decisions based on a school’s ranking, which is not the right way to choose where you want to go to college—just my 2 cents. Good luck


I also didn’t receive an email about the portal update but was admitted. It most likely is a common issue.

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We are waiting, too. So far, no word.

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All private schools are businesses- they are non profit entities. They are there to make money.
USC of course wants full tuition from 80% of admits. I doubt national merit deferred students will be preferred in RA. Why would a private university give away 50% tuition when other students without national merit are as good and willing to pay.


Same with my DS. Never received an email