USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

Well, let’s hope it’s the same for everyone- I don’t have it either :neutral_face:

@LemPeac09 I don’t know what you mean. I’m on my daughter’s USC FAST page now, and it just shows her academic year at the top on the left while over at the top on the right, it shows her name and USC number. Is this the page to which you are referring?

Yeah. At the top right-hand side, it used to say Class: Undergraduate underneath the number but now nothing.

A couple years ago (I wanna say CO25) having Undergraduate was a sign of acceptance, whereas everyone else had something else (I wanna say “undefined,” but I honestly can’t remember). But basically now it’s weird that we don’t have Class: Undergraduate on here again.

People thought/hoped it (and other little nuances) was a sign of acceptance. It turned out to be nothing. Some accepted, some not. They’ve been doing this a long time. They aren’t gonna let something slip that indicates acceptance a week out. But fun to play I suppose!


Are you sure about March 24. On the USC site it said by April 1.

From USC Admissions Twitter

First-year applicants: Admission decisions will be posted on Friday, March 24 in the USC applicant portal. Students will receive an email notifying them when their decision has been posted. ✌️

From USC Admissions Instagram

For decades, they have put out April 1st every year. It is never April 1st. For last 12 years it has always been between 22-26ish depending on which is a Friday. Posters are amazed I call it so far in advance and get it right every year, but it’s not that hard to predict with the history (which sadly, I have kept up with and logged for a very long time, ha).


Colleges are like a fine running machine, very few things change year after year. The switch to EA is the biggest thing they have done in forever.

The other was using the big white box in the mail as the notification (followed by portal update) and changing to getting the portal updates first followed by the acceptance package. They held out on that old school mailing method for years longer than other schools even though technology had been around, but covid is what ultimately did that process in. Remember they were nervous about mail having germs in the early days of covid? Ya, I never bought into that, but I had friends that left their amazon packages on porch for a couple days then wiped them down lol.


have they said what time its coming out
is it 3, 5, or 8 pm pst ?

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Usually between 4-5pm.


So Ivy day is March 30th. UCB is also March 30th.

And UCLA was out yesterday - I’m guessing there’s a few on here excited about that. (Or could be bummed too.) Hoping everyone’s dream comes true!

Schools getting them out ahead of the rest of the pack get a gold star from me.


When do the scholarship results come out typically? After RD?

UCLA, UCSD and UCI were all yesterday. UCSB is next week and UCB is March 30.


If you’re talking about the Trustee and Presidential for which kids interviewed in February, as I recall, those came out before regular decision. At least, that was the case with my son in 2015.

Thanks. we haven’t heard anything yet. Hopefully next week then.

Was deferred from EA. Just noticed the form for EA Deferral. Did I miss the opportunity?

Our application is still “in progress” on slate. That can’t be good…

Was the EA Deferral form mentioned as mandatory? Or just a way to express interest and everyone is still considered regardless of submitting form? Was that made clear to applicants? I don’t recall the deets on that.

I didn’t see any due date for this form or reminders put out on USC social media so it would be a bad twist if it was actually mandatory - but maybe the real scoop was only in portal…

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Scholarship decisions have also come out as same time as RD results. Been watching for them to post the day to Insta or Twitter.


Just noticed it on the portal decision letter as I read it today.

“please take these two steps: (1) Submit the [EA Deferral Form] found in your [USC applicant portal], by February 1;”

I fear the worst now.

Did everyone else who was deferred submit this form?