USC Donation

<p>How much money do I need to donate to USC to get in for admissions spot?</p>

<p>My dad manages a lot of investment banking business in Asia so my concentration interest is in Asia - Business. My dad is willing to donate and support the school so money wouldn't be a problem but what I'm afraid is will I get into the impacted business majors. Any advice would be appreciated.</p>

<p>hahaahha thats an awesome question :P</p>

<p>well, i think most schools prefer ppl whove donated constantly for a long time… but im sure a big sum would be fine :p</p>

<p>my guess, is that like 200-300k would be enough… considering they can give on average 10 kids finaid from that :slight_smile: (i think average finaid package is 30k)…</p>

<p>honestly though, i think you should call and talk to someone in power, like a dean or something :p</p>

<p>LOL, OP. We know families who have given millions (true story) over the years, and their kids did not get into USC. If you don’t have the qualifications, they won’t let you in.</p>

<p>$200,000 would not even come close. Every full-pay student they admit “donates” more than that amount over a four-year span.</p>

<p>This is a funny thread. Thanks for a good chuckle, OP. I’m sure you were just joking, right? :)</p>

<p>Didn’t the Columbia dean ask Meadow’s mom for $150,000 to let her in on the Sopranos?</p>

<p>The best way to get in to USC if you do not qualify as an incoming freshman is to go to a CC for a year, get good grades, and transfer in as a sophomore. USC is not a cake walk type of university so make sure it is a good fit academically before applying because even if money could help with admissions, donations will not earn your degree for you.</p>