USC financial aid avaibable even though scholarship deadline is over?

<p>Does anyone know if it is still possible to get good scholarships and financial aid for University of SOuthern California? I know that the deadline for scholarships was Dec. 1 but I was wondering if there is any you can apply to once you get in?</p>

<p>the deadline was only for merit-based, you still have a chance for financial based…</p>

<p>For financial aid, you shouldn’t wait until you “get in,” because the deadlines will have passed by then. You have to file the FAFSA and CSS/Profile by February 2nd and FAX copies of your and your parent’s tax returns by March 2nd. You might not hear about your admission until the first week in April. [USC</a> Financial Aid - Applying & Receiving Financial Aid - Undergraduate - New Students](<a href=“]USC”></p>