USC Housing Question?

<p>I'm considering attempting to transfer to USC for the fall 2010 semester. I would need a pretty big amount of financial aid, and would be living on campus. However, when i look at their website, I notice that it's divided into Residential Hall/Suites and Apartments. My question is, do they mean it as a literal apartment (credit check, deposit, monthly rent, not covered by financial aid), or does it mean like, "campus apartments?" In other words, would the apartments be covered by financial aid, or would you have to pay for it out of pocket and run a credit check and such?</p>

<p>Apartments on campus and apartments off campus that are owned/run by USC do not require credit checks etc. You stay in it for the two semesters, no monthly rent.
My D is staying in an off campus USC run apt this fall/spring and it was all treated the same way as when she was in residence suites last year. Finaid takes your USC living quarters into account.</p>