USC/Keck Loses Cardiology Fellowship Program

USC/Keck cardiology fellowship program has lost accreditation after allegations of sexual assaults by an attending were covered up by hospital administration.

Details of the alledged sexual assaults by Dr Guilliermo Cortes

This is the 2nd recent scandal involving USC/Keck. Last year the Dean of the medical school, Carmen Puliafito, was forced to resign after news broke of his hard core drug use (including using meth, while at work) and hard partying with gangs members and prostitutes.

I saw this the other day, and this loss of accreditation can not be appealed.

Who are the adults in the room at USC? So many scandals in the last few years.

@Mwfan1921 USC is like Penn State. They are both Teflon universities. The scandals just slip away and there is no damage to the brand.