<p>Hi guys, I was recently admitted as transfer in those two colleges. I transferred from UCR.
Last two years, It has been very bad for me. I just studied and had no social life whatsoever. I am looking to study finance when I transfer. I am looking to go to MBA or MA in Econ in the future. Money is not a factor because my parents said that they will financially support me whichever school I choose. I know that USC is a logical choice but I have been having problems in UCR regarding social life. Anyways, Here's pros and cons for these two schools. </p>
+ Trojan Network
+ More prestige
+ Private School
+ Better internship opportunities
- no social life (all my friends are in SD)
- start with 0 GPA
- more classes to take in order to finish GE. (Sophomore Status)</p>
+ Good social life
+ Not a bad program
+ get to keep my GPA (3.7ish) and Finished UC reciprocity (IGETC)
- less prestige
- less job prospective
- easier school to transfer (does this matter?) </p>
<p>What do you guys think? I would really appreciate some help.</p>
<p>goto usc. you can make new friends there and the alumni network/recruiting will be way better than at UCSD if your goal is to get good work experience which is necessary for MBA programs. Also, its easier to get a higher gpa at USC than at UCSD.</p>
<p>Avg gpa at UCSD is around 3.0
[University</a> of California - San Diego](<a href=“http://gradeinflation.com/Ucsandiego.html]University”>University of California - San Diego)</p>
<p>average at USC is around 3.18
[Despite</a> trend, officials say grade inflation not an issue at USC|Daily Trojan](<a href=“http://dailytrojan.com/2010/04/27/despite-trend-officials-say-grade-inflation-not-an-issue-at-usc/]Despite”>Despite trend, officials say grade inflation not an issue at USC - Daily Trojan)</p>
<p>if Marshall is anything like Haas, the grading will be pretty generous.</p>
<p>For business, USC hands down. You will have so many more opportunities as a business major at USC than you would at UCSD.</p>
<p>Why does your gpa start at 0 if you were to go to USC?</p>
<p>UC to UC tranfer let’s you keep the gpa if you transfer. But USC I start from scratch</p>
<p>Sent from my Droid using CC App</p>
<p>If you don’t care about cost, then go to USC.</p>
<p>USC does sound like the more logical choice; as you already know, its business program is great, and it will be easier to get a high GPA there. </p>
<p>However, have you actually visited the campuses? It sounds like you are fairly familiar with UCSD since you’re from San Diego, but the campus life itself may be different than the social life you think you’ll get there. Since you do live in SD, you should spend as many days on the UCSD campus as possible before deciding to really get a feel for the life and culture there. </p>
<p>And you should definitely at least visit USC a couple times if you can. The atmospheres at the two schools are reputably very different (USC more for a party-centric, Greek-heavy lifestyle and UCSD for a more studious, intellectual–albeit oftentimes called “boring”–atmosphere). </p>
<p>Hopefully if you haven’t visited them yet, actually going to the campuses could be your deciding factor. I hope you get a feel for both schools and fall in love with one. You couldn’t go wrong with either choice, though.
Good luck!</p>