USC? NYU? Harvard?

<p>with your stats, summer activities, and unusual family circumstances, you can be a very competitive applicant at any top school. some safeties: pitzer, boston univ, boston college (match), northeastern, brandeis. some of the UCs are not so hard to get into, check into some of the others for safeties.</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>do you really think I could use boston univ as a safety?
because I had thought BU was pretty hard to get into...</p>

<li>thanks for those extra choices!</li>

<p>You can't consider USC Film or NYU Tisch a match. Your EC's & grades are great, and will get you past the academic review at USC and NYU, but to get into the film programs, your portfolio will be a significant part of the application...which, unfortunately, is something that we cannot review for you! But I think you have a great chance, and you sound very talented. Good luck!</p>


<p>...JESUS!!! Tawny, I know people who get into harvard, princeton, and nyu with less stats than that. I think you have a very decent chance, not a sure deal, but definitly in the top 10% of the applicants for Harvard. Your family suffer hardship that most of us here at CC couldn't even imagine. Yet despite your family difficulty you thrive and succeed in school. You exhaust your school AP requirement and even challenge yourself to take more outside. People here think your SAT is low, which I admit isn't Ivy quality, but we got to take into context what Tawny went through. Harvard love students who are unique and thrive with what was given to them. Many forget that Harvard doesn't care if you submit an SAT, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't. People have the misconception that a student who "cure cancer" or "travel around the world in 80 days" get the leg up (in many cases they do) but elite school also look at background and determination of a student. Tawny, despite what people here said, I think you have a fantastic chance at any of those top school. I wish you the best of luck</p>

BU is a done deal for you, 10 people from my school get into BU and it like in our backyard. I wish you consider BC, but perhap not right for you due to its lack of film or theater credential. It an excellent place for a Liberal Art education and they give very very very generous moneys to those who need them.</p>

<p>ok, so I guess I'm seriously considering BU as my safety.</p>

<p><em>looks at clock</em> but MAN do I want my SAT scores back! I hope they're good enough...</p>

<p>sidenote: should I take the US History SAT2 again? I can't believe I did that poorly on it... (considering I got an A in APUSH)</p>

<p>Okay here are my official SAT scores to add with my stats:</p>

<p>740 CR
680 Math
700 Writing (69, 10 essay)
Total: 2120</p>

<p>Still not HYP standards, but a bit closer yes?</p>

<p>just one questions, how do you get an A+ when an A is 94-100? does that mean that you have a 100+ average?</p>

<p>sorry, 99-100 is an A+. Kinda generalized the A-range there...</p>

<p>I read somewhere Dartmouth's avg SAT was ~1430. With my new SAT stats, would that make me a better candidate for that Ivy?</p>

<p>I thought an A+ was 97-100, A was 94-96, and A- was 90-93...
If A+ was 99-100 then almost no one could be an A+ student...</p>

<p>my thoughts exactly... I get 97%'s alot, so think of the A+'s! but apparantly my school wants me to FAIL AT LIFE... I mean....</p>

<p>I heard colleges consider my school's B+'s as A-'s...
since the transcript states that grades 90-93 are marked as B+'s.</p>

<p>anyone... comment on the new stats...?</p>

<p>any more suggestions for what I could to help my chances at these schools...?</p>