<p>I turned in my part II application and it says that I'm missing materials. Besides my college transcript, it says that I am missing "Insufficient UG Part 1 Fee - Dom". What does that mean? I already paid for the part I application when I turned it in. Can someone help me out?</p>
<p>Did you pay for part 2? I seem to remember last year it was $10 for part 1 and $40 for part 2. Hmmm… are the ID numbers the same for both parts? Maybe they were not able to match up the 2 applications? You should call admissions BEFORE December 1st to get it straightened out. If you don’t get an answer before then, just pay the extra before the deadline and figure it out later.</p>
<p>I remember something similar happening with my D’s application last year in that the Part 1 fee didn’t show up, and therefore the Part 2 fee was overcharged. I called and if I remember correctly it was due to my having paid the Part 1 through Amex rather than Visa or MC. Apparently they didn’t take Amex (not sure how it went through) but it came through on my statement and was credited to USC. They did find the glitch and it was sorted out over the phone.
Give admissions a call, they are very helpful and flexible.</p>
<p>tocollege: Yeah, I paid for part II and the ID numbers for both applications are the same. I don’t know why it’s saying that though.</p>
<p>Sequoia: I paid with Visa just to make sure. But I will definetly try to call them. Do you happen to know the number for admisisons? I can’t find it online.</p>
<p>(213) 740 1111 ( Mon to Fri 9 to 5 PT)</p>