<p>I've seen a couple of us around here applying to this tiny program. I want to open a forum of discussion for us.</p>
<p>Post your stats, why you're applying to SPPD, and really, any useful information you may have about the school. I know that information about the school is limited outside of the website, which in itself mostly covers the graduate program.</p>
<p>Hey, I’m not planning on it, but I did come across SPPD stuff when looking at Peace Corps info. You can use your PC experience to put towards a masters degree if you wanted.</p>
<p>My jokes suck. Anyway, hippo aren’t you applying to SPPD? Or are you Marshall? How is your app coming along? I’m hoping that you get in - I think I remember you trying last year, to no avail.</p>
<p>Hey I’m applying for this program as well for sophomore year</p>
<p>HS GPA: 3.67
College GPA after one semester: 4.0 (16 credits, will have over 30 by end of spring)
Pre-reqs: all but math… my math course is specific to my current school
ECs: Solid, some college freshman leadership, but a lot in HS</p>
<p>My stats are 1900 SAT and 3.8 UW with lots of EC’s etc etc etc/USC Summer Seminars/legacy… I do have a true interest in PPD, just figure I might have a higher chance of getting into USC because I applied to PPD… since it is one of the smallest schools, not many know about it when applying undergraduate.</p>