USC Spring Admit

I mean for your D23.

My son got an email from the director of admission saying the fall class is full, so he will start in Spring. It seems no one got bumped to fall.

Hmm, I was wondering if anyone has heard anything so far. Did your son email the DOA or was the email just sent? My D21 is also a Spring Admit but she is immersed in the process (passport, Visa, etc.) to go study abroad at AUP. She is excited for the prospect but I wonder what we’d do if ever a Fall offer appeared.

I’ve heard it is very unlikely for people to be bumped to fall, they have all the students they can handle at the moment and still working on transfers…but if there is a random spot here or there, notification of that wouldn’t come out until well into June or July. In the last decade there was only one year where more than a handful moved up to fall and many years no one did. With the situation this year, we can expect very few if any bumps to fall.

I think it was just a generic email to everyone. It’s titled " Spring Admission: No More Space in Fall". In the email, we were suggested to start preparing for the spring enrollment.
It’s good that your daughter already got excited about the fall plan. I have seen quite some good feedbacks about AUP by other sprint admits.

This is what’s said in the email.

*Dear xxx, *

  • We have filled our available spaces for fall 2021. At this time, I expect no additional students will be offered this option. *

  • Now it is time to take the next steps toward your spring 2022 enrollment. Here are a few things you should be thinking about very soon:**

  • …*

Ya, that’s pretty definitive. Spring enrollment numbers are responsive to fall enrollment and if fall is lower, they move people up. From what we know, fall enrollment is big this year, not surprising with the world opening back up again. There may be a few sneaky ones that move up, but for planning purposes and to set even expectations, I would be planning on spring.

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My son just heard back from his admission counselor. Here is his response.

As it turns out, this year we were only able to move a very small group of students where space allowed from Spring to Fall.

I’m a junior transfer who got accepted into the spring. I’m super bummed I didn’t get in the fall and I’m an older student in their 30s going back to college, so waiting another semester to attend college is making me feel even worse. I also feel a little played by usc since many sophomore transfers who got in the fall have way less credits than junior transfers. I don’t know what to do here. Is anyone else also a junior spring transfer? If so what are your thoughts?

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What are your other options? You’re in your 30s so it’s already not a traditional experience - so you should have the maturity to handle it. Take a break, get a job, or find another option for Fall. It’ll be fine.

I understand how you feel. I had 100+ units and had nothing to do in the fall. I just sat at home applying for jobs, but not a single place wanted me and my 9th grade dropout/GED + CC education (I didn’t technically get an associate’s because I was more focused on transferring). I was happy I got in, but it makes no sense to me sometimes. They should reserve spring admittance for sophomores. They likely have GEs to complete and could make use of the fall semester. They’re young too - seems like they’d have more time to waste.

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