I’m hoping to transfer to USC’s Annenberg school from a 4-year on the east coast. I’m a sophomore starting my second semester and I have a 3.48 currently (finished last semester with a 3.81). I have a lot of volunteering EC’s, a few jobs and an internship at a media company. I have completed all the pre-reqs except for french 3 (I’ve done math, divinity, etc) and this semester I’m currently taking french 3, Philosophy, Bio 101 to help finish my pre-reqs and start some of my GE’s.
I was wondering if you guys could offer any tips to help make a strong personal statement?
For the general common app personal statement, USC is my top choice but I am applying to safety schools as well so I will be sending that essay to other schools. For USC do you guys recommend I talk specifically about USC and their programs etc when I send it to them? Is it bad to be non specific in that personal statement and not mention them at all?
This link helped me: http://www.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/2013/12/transfer-students-help-with-common-app-essay.html
Hmm, I’m not sure how to help you there since USC was my only private and in my CommonApp essay, I did specifically tailor to USC. I don’t think it’s bad at all since you’ll be sending it to other schools and you can be specific on the two writing supplements USC asks for. Just make sure whatever you say in the commonapp reflects the USC’s core values and whatnot (like diversity) or talk about the kind of program/activity you want to pursue within your major (something that Annenberg has) without mentioning the school name, if that makes sense. 
Good luck and fight on!
Thanks so much!! @mochibbycake
@mochibbycake If I’m only applying to USC (I’m applying in the fall) can I mention the school specifically? My essay so far talks about how Dornsife has the exact program and concentration I want to pursue.
@sophiec24 The deadline to apply was March 1st.
@IBProspect123 I’m just looking ahead to next year. I’m going to apply for fall 2017.
@sophiec24 Your essays can be as specific to the school as you want, because you send out one application at a time to each school (unlike the UC applications where the same essay is sent across to every UC you apply).
@iamthetopgun okay thank you! I’m trying to give very specific reasons for why I want to go to USC. Hopefully that will help my application.