USC vs. Clemson?

<p>I'm currently a freshman at Duke, and I'm looking to transfer to either Clemson or University of South Carolina.</p>

<p>Duke focuses more on graduate students, and truth be told, I'm just not as happy here as I want to be (especially when I'm paying such a high price to stay!)</p>

<p>I'm hoping to be a genetic counselor (which USC has a masters program for), and am currently planning to get a genetics/biology/public health type of undergraduate degree. Duke does not have a well-established genetic program, another reason why I am looking elsewhere.</p>

<p>I'm considering a political science minor because I find it interesting - I love football, but won't make the decision solely because of the SEC vs. ACC football argument haha.</p>

<p>I'm looking to have fun, be happy, all while getting a worth-while education. I am in a sorority, and both schools have my chapter --- </p>

<p>So, any tips to help me decide?</p>

<p>Since your question is more about the schools than the transfer process, you may also want to post your question on the College Search & Selection forum as you will get more views there.</p>