<p>I would like to major in Computer Science. I am seriously considering USC and JHU. I have done extensive science research in high school and would like to keep doing it in college.</p>

<p>Does anyone have some advice as to why one is better over the other?</p>

<p>Both are reputable schools, I would say Hopkins attracts stronger students in general however. That said, I think you should visit Hopkins and meet with the CS department. The atmospheres are different at each school, I think Hopkins is much more intellectual and more of a boutique style undergraduate education. But, who can argue with California weather… </p>

<p>Visit and see which you like best. I think you’ll find the schools to be more different than you anticipate. Good luck.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t call JHU, much more intellectual. USC isn’t the school it use to be. Viterbi is one of the top engineering schools in the country. Both schools are great choices. I do not know much about engineering at JHU, but there is still time to visit.</p>

<p>USC will have much more distractions, though fun, on campus and in the dorms/frats. Also the more social dorms on USC Campus are way across campus from Viterbi. When you visit Viterbi, ask how they adjust to the ‘rest’ of the campus’ all week party-habits. Many engineering students just drop the frat life. </p>

<p>At JHU everyone is in the same boat: Not as many distractions, everyone studies hard, so you won’t feel like you are missing out if you have a ton of work to do.</p>

<p>WEIRD. I was in the exact same situtation last year (deciding between USC and JHU). </p>

<p>I’m not pursuing computer science, but I can tell you I do not regret my decision to come to JHU!</p>

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<p>What do you love about JHU?</p>

<p>Hopkins is in a different league. If you have any interest in going on with medically-related fields or graduate school, I’d go here.
On the other hand, if you want to go make a living after 4 years of college, USC may be a better choice because of the school’s network.</p>

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<p>I kind of think networking is over-rated because it’s not a guarantee. That’s just me though.</p>

<p>The USC “network” didn’t help a friend of mine who went elsewhere to law school but stayed in the LA area. So not sure if that was related to the current poor economic conditions in southern California. Maybe the network works best during robust economic times.</p>