USC vs UW Madison?

<p>I'm leaning towards sciences (bio, chem, biochem, etc possible majors) with also interest in business, goal right now is to go to Medical School. I've lived all my life in Madison, so I have that part of me that really wants to go someplace new - and sunny California seems really appealing :). I also like USC's level of diversity compared with UW Madison's. However, UW Madison is stronger in the sciences I believe. </p>

<p>Basically to me:
USC - Pro - new place, it's LA, weather, lots of diversity,
Con - Not as strong in sciences, Safety Issues</p>

<p>UW Madison - Pro - Well rounded School, strong in sciences, closer to family (perhaps this should be Con lol)
Con - not really that diverse, same place</p>

<p>Any one have any comments or suggestions? Thanks. Also, what undergrad programs is USC Strong in?</p>

<p>Money’s no object? Jeez, if that’s the case, I’d go with USC. This is your time to get away from family and home. Plus, I’m from the Midwest and stayed in the region for college and the weather has gotten so old. I’m super excited to go somewhere warm for grad school. That’s just my opinion based on personal experiences- could be that the grass is greener on the other side.</p>

<p>USC is ranked so much higher as a school overall that even if the same research opps aren’t available I imagine you could get a good science education. Maybe someone with more expertise in the area can comment further on the topic of sciences at USC. I’d also see if you can get in contact with students at USC to ask about their experiences in pre-med science.</p>

<p>In the medical and business school rankings, UW has a slight lead over USC (according to US news & world report). Actually, nearly all of the graduate and undergrad programs between UW and USC are ranked close to each other (im not sure why USC is ranked twenty spots higher on the overall ranking). However, I know USC has an excellent film school (it was ranked #1) and journalism school, but I’m guessing you don’t want to become a film director or news reporter. Since you live in WI, I assume you would get in-state tuition because UW is a public school (am I right?). So basically you have two similar schools, except one would be more costly than the other. Ultimately, if location and diversity matter more than the cost, go for USC then. (Also, every university has safety issues. I’m going to a college in a major east coast city and a grad student was shot on campus last year).</p>

<p>I live in LA and my son attends Wisconsin. Have you visited USC? Some would say it is a prettier campus than UW,( I wouldn’t ) but the area surrounding the USC campus is just terrible. Very bad area and nothing attractive about it. USC likes to say it is safe, and they supposedly have a lot of USC safety patrols paroling the area, but it still is in a terrible area of LA. I imagine most students at USC use cars to get to the better parts of LA for their fun. There is nothing around there that is fun, nothing walking distance like State Street in Madison. Also, they just enacted a recent policy at USC where all or most of the gates entering the campus are locked at night except to students due to the safety issue. I understand your need to get away from where you have been raised, both of my sons felt the same, but I know as a parent I am glad my sons showed no interest in applying to USC because they hated the area surrounding it.</p>

<p>It is nice to leave town. I couldn’t but did get to live on UW’s campus eons ago, a friend walked from home to her classes. IF you end up at UW definitely spring for Res Halls for the dorm experience. The campus area is a world onto itself, far different than living at home and commuting. I did not want to go to UW but was lucky there was no reciprocity with MN back then as the Chem labs were so much better back then. Money was huge for me.</p>

<p>You could go away for freshman year and return to finish at UW. Childhood neighbor’s D went to AZ State and returned- lived in apts, not home. Whatever you choose have no regrets.</p>