<p>Anyone have any ideas how I can approach this Tufts short answer prompt? After doing several apps, I feel totally burned out of ideas which sucks since Tufts is one of my top choices. </p>
<p>The only idea that has come to mind is talking about my room and mentioning several objects that reflect my life and how I've become the person I am. Lame? Awesome? Meh (which is now a real word, yay)?</p>
<p>lame. don’t do that. i read that’s for people who can’t think of anything. um is that the entire question? like i’m kind of confused by what richness means.</p>
<p>Here is the whole prompt:
“Self-identity and personal expression take many forms. Use the richness of your life to give us insight: Who are you?”</p>
<p>hmmm i’m thinking you should talk about something artistic you like.
do you play an instrument/draw
is ther some movie/book significant that like tells your life story.
i think thatd be much better and steer clear of ordinary but still kind of a vague question…</p>
<p>do you have something similar in a previous essay that you could touch up since this is the home stretch for you?</p>