
<p>^^cute username!</p>

<p>haha thanks... I like yours.</p>

<p>guess !</p>

<p>My username ties my background and my ambitions together quite eloquently.:)</p>

<p>Well............I am blonde but not a DUMB blonde. But I do love blonde jokes. :D</p>

<p>Scarletleavy is a shortened version of my alter-ego/fake name that I made up in 10th grade: Scarlet Dunleavy.</p>

<p>first initial</p>

<p>last name</p>


<p>miyazaki's movie</p>

<p>i been using this sn on every ...uh whatever its called(aim, email,forums) since...i guess 7th grade....i hate change!</p>

<p>I have a tendency to be formal, which explains my username.</p>

<p>first initial, middle initial, last name</p>

<p>A lot of people interpret it as Dr Keung, but that's just not right.</p>

<p>o dad made me make a formal email adress........for colleges of course...he doesnt want them emailing to weedboy, and think about what it means</p>

<p>I think my usename is amusing.</p>

<p>because i am the stupidest of the smart kids. you know, like an 89.6'er or 90.0'er. borderline.</p>

<p>mine is about ambition. "i" want to be a miracle to the world so imiracle esp. concerning islam vs. christian stuff and terrorism thus 911.</p>

<p>mine is cosine(45) because cosine is my favorite trigonomic function and 45 because...well there isn't any reason</p>

<p>do u have a twin called sine45?</p>

<p>mine is my initials and my grad year. I know, I know, sooooo creative</p>

<p>Muahahahahaha I am the devil!</p>

<p>Now that's just scary. ^^It won't last long though. Enjoy it now.</p>

<p>Ok well now I'm to 667....I was going to just not post but that'd be stupid lol. Plus I wanted to clarify that I said "I am the devil" because I had 666 posts, just so when I didn't people wouldn't think I'm crazy. lol</p>

<p>Okay I'm not tired now so...the meaning of my screen name is a character from lord of the rings. I chose a minor character for a reason. 25 because I used to be celebrian23 on the old forum and I hate even numbers so I decided to just skip 24. :)</p>