Using curse words in the SAT essays

<p>"Hey, I know you didn't mean it sr6622, but that comment really offended me. You didn't mean to say it, you associated the n-word with black people. The N word refers only to what slave owners used to call black people. Black people never were N-words, and certainly are not now. I am black and I would prefer not to even be associated with that word. Now I said it before, I know you didn't mean it that way, but that's how it came out."</p>

<p>About 100-150 years ago, wasn't "black" derogatory and "colored" the PC term?</p>

Under the
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<p>Haha. Where did find this?</p>

<p>Yeah, I believe the politically correct term today is "man or woman of color". And yes, the derivation of the F-word is probably an urban legend, but it is quite a fascinating pneumonic device.</p>

<p>btw I received it in an email, so there is a 99.99999% chance that it is b.s.</p>

<p>The n-word black people parentheses can be really offending. Just assume that they know what you're talking about, because I assume that 99.999999999% of English teachers understand it when you write n----- while talking about things like that.</p>

<p>Think about who are reading these essays... then ask yourself the question again...</p>

<p>Unless its absolutely vital to the purpose of your essay (which I doubt), don't use **** curse words...</p>


<p>"N**** (black people)"</p>

<p>Hey, I know you didn't mean it sr6622, but that comment really offended me. You didn't mean to say it, you associated the n-word with black people. The N word refers only to what slave owners used to call black people. </p>

<p>It was unethical of him to associate men and women of color to that term, "</p>

<p>Ever listened to a rap song, any black comedian, or been on a basketball court in nearly any park in LA? Telling him not to associate the N word with blacks in the context of its use in history is to completely obfuscate the meaning; it saps the word of its offensiveness and taboo. Would you tell people not to associate the K word with Jews? If the N word does not refer to blacks, why would you have a problem using it? You refrain exactly because it does, in a derogatory manner.</p>


<p>the k word? kosher? that's not derogatory at find it on common food products in the grocery aisle.</p>

<p>no, kike. (heh, i can say it cuz im a jew myself). I figured most people wouldnt know what I'm talking about.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Oh I see. ouch yeah that is bad. :(</p>

<p>Yeah, it is kike, not kosher. Kosher is a term used for their dietary laws.
"Hey you kosher! Get out of here!" Sounds pretty ackward.</p>

<p>You know, "awkward" always looks awkward when written...</p>

<p>Thank you tanonev for that wonderful observation</p>

<p>I can't tell whether or not you're being sarcastic...oh well :p</p>

<p>Sarcastic---should have put one of those ;) things</p>

<p>I think :rolleyes: may have been</p>

<p>But it's so much fun to make fun of the English language...after all, in what other language can you recite at a play and play at a recital, or look for an oar or ore o'er by the river?</p>

<p>There have been kids who have used obscenities in their essays and gotten into highly selective schools. There have also been kids who have written essays on some risky subjects and gotten into such schools. There are also kids who have written terrible essays to the point that the grammar, missing words, missing phrases makes the essay difficult to read, and some of them I have seen get into top schools. However, you do not know who will be reading (or skimming) your essay, and you are taking a risk when you put things in there that can penalize you. You are risking offending someone. If you do something that is risky like this, you had better do it very, very well, and hope that you did not get someone who would take offense and not read past the curse words, or controversial subject.</p>

<p>tanonev, you always have to correct me.
You think you are so cool with your Stanford, Cal Tech smarts }-)</p>


<a href=""&gt;

</a> (not linked)</p>

<p>Not really...the Caltech people were way too bright for me...</p>

<p>And picking on spelling is just one of my idiosyncracies...not that I can spell, either :p</p>

<p>;) :) :( </p>

<p>Anybody know how to do all the smiley face image stuff</p>