USMMA Admissions!

<p>Hey everyone, I'm a high school student in MD and I've met all the requirements, got my nomination, and fulfill EVERY part of the application and have it all submitted through the academy. I could be accepted any day. Is there anyone who's gone through the process and knows how long it takes for them to respond? My full application has been completed upon 1/6/12. Please help!</p>

<p>This information is based on what I observed during the 2005-6 admissions season, so it might be out of date.</p>

<p>KP seems to use a “rolling” admissions timetable. Being a federal academy they cannot favor one state or region over another, so each state’s candidates are (presumably) evaluated and ranked in the first round. If a state has no candidates or no qualified candidates, those “slots” get re-distributed according to the qualifications of the candidates and the priorities of the institution.</p>

<p>My son’s classmates were admitted variously between November (early round) and May (last minute, probably replacing a candidate who declined the appointment). He was notified early in March with a phone call from the Member of Congress in whose district we reside.</p>

<p>Best of luck to you and the other candidates !</p>

<p>My son who graduated in June 2011 was informed of his acceptance in December of his senior year of high school.</p>