UT Austin Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Just curious, does UT send letters/emails for students to apply? My son who is applying this year keep getting emails and letter to apply, don’t remember my older one getting one when he applied 4 years ago, This may be due to us sending his SAT score in August, but just wanted to check if it happened to anyone else.

@Momof0ne I am not sure why but they are not showing up under the Done tab but when I went over to the “My Documents” like you and @rbc2018 suggested the letters were shown to be received.

@Noviite Yes, same here. Lots of reminder emails, emails about open houses, even an honors open house evite. I assume those were triggered by scores sent, but I wondered if the honors one was more targeted.

@Noviite , My daughter gets a lot of emails from UT to apply. Half of them are general recruitment and the other half are from the Women in Engineering Program. I thought it was because UT is trying to encourage more girls to take up engineering and STEM in general.

Son submitted SAT scores the morning of Wednesday the 28th, but they are still not showing up in myStatus. Does it take that long?

@clobber88 a friend of mine had their scores sent in about 2 days, but my scores took about a week and a half to send, and when I called them they told me that I had to wait for at least 2 weeks, and if they weren’t sent by then, they would “look further into it and see what they can do.” So I would say it varies but on average it probably takes about 1 week.

My daughter’s portal recently went from “application is complete” to “application in review” - anyone have an idea of how long it may be until we hear back? I don’t think I’ve heard of any review admits being accepted yet…

@txmom9977 , when did your daughter apply? My son (homeschooled) applied August 28th and his application went to “application in review” on September 15th. I’ve been watching my gray hair grow ever since. :slight_smile: I was hoping that UT would get on the A&M bandwagon and get acceptances (non auto admit/engineering) rolling out faster this year but nope. Based on previous year’s non auto admit acceptances/CAPS/Denials, I’ve got Martin Luther King week on my radar for when we will hopefully hear something. Of course, it could always be later than that too.

@ChillyCow She applied 8/1! Just got accepted to A&M on the 28th… waiting on UT to see where she ends up… happy with either! Hoping we hear sooner than Feb 1-- the waiting game is so painful!!

@txmom9977 , how interesting that her application is just now going into review even though she applied August 1. What is her major? I wonder if they are looking at it based on major or even high school groups (I’ve heard some colleges look at clumps of applications from the same high school at the same time when deciding) That also makes me wonder since my son’s went into review Sept. 15th, if his decision is already a done deal and is just sitting in the queue to be sent out whenever they send review admit acceptances/rejections/CAPS. If so, I wish they would just send it out now whether it is good, bad, or ugly!

@ChillyCow her major at UT would be Public Relations

I submitted my ApplyTexas app yesterday, and I received an email that UT received it today. I logged onto MyStatus and it says my application is still incomplete because I haven’t submitted my expanded resume. Am I supposed to submit this by November 1st to be considered for the priority deadline, or do I have till the 9th?

@els2002 You should have until the 9th. On the UT website under ‘application checklist’ there is now a box that says this:
“Priority Deadline: The ApplyTexas or Coalition application is due by November 1 to be considered for the priority deadline. Students may submit all additional application items until November 9.”

We’ve lived in Texas for about 15 years and our daughter attended our huge, local high school her first two years. We decided to send her back to where we’re from (New England) to finish up high school at a boarding school where she’s done really well. She’s been on the Dean’s list both years there, but her school doesn’t rank students. Will applying from an out-of-state private school hurt her chances of getting in?

Housing app question-- did anyone have trouble accessing the housing app once the main application was deemed complete? Is it done by logging into the housing portal? We keep getting an error message when trying to log in.

@CollegeYaYa , I could be wrong but I think she will be considered out of state bc of graduating from an out of state high school. If that is the case, then, yes, being out of state hurts her chances of getting in because of the Top 6% rule in Texas. I think about 90% of acceptances are from in Texas and 10% allotted for out of state and international. What major is she applying for? If it is business or engineering, that will also make it very difficult to get in. It is all supply and demand it seems. UT is in demand and they only have so many seats available. All you have to do is look at last year’s forum around mid January to see all the amazing, high stats kids who didn’t get in. Just have a back up plan and don’t be crushed if she doesn’t get in and be grateful and celebrate if she does get in. I’m sure your daughter is stellar no matter if she gets in or not!

Rank:school doesnt rank
State Residency: new jersey
Major: Psychology
many volunteering,extra curriculars, High Honors, sports

Applied date:10/3/2020
Decision date:

Not sure what Auto admit means ??

@Couglesrx01 auto admit means that if you rank in the top 6% of your school class in a texas school, then you are automatically guaranteed some seat at the school, but it doesn’t mean you will get the major you want, as they will still review your application for your choice of major

does anyone know how long a rec takes to show up as received on mystatus?

for me, the recommendation letter showed up as received as soon as my teachers submitted them through the link provided.