UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Same here. Accepted last week, got the email today but nothing different on the portal

I will reach out in a PM.

Plan II is an amazing program and they work well with all other majors. It is very prestigious and a great education

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@themasseys5 @hockeymom987 @Tinnish @Beeps

We got the same email yesterday. We checked the portal and the only difference we noticed was that there were 5 things listed under the “To Do (required)” list instead of the 4 things that were showing before.

Same with my son! He was extremely disappointed last week as several kids from his school with lower stats got admitted, but oh well. We are OOS.

which major did your son apply?

Several? I thought U Texas admits very few OOS and not many from the same school specially if OOS. Do you know the number of students who got admitted from same school?

Approx 4-5 admitted and 1-2 deferred and 2-3 rejected


Same for my daughter as all the above - CAP’d, e-mail, check MyStatus - nothing changed. Then this is where I chuckled - she opened a new tab, logged into the University of Arkansas portal, hit “accept” then gave the “Horns Down” sign :rofl:


Shouldn’t there be nothing in the “to do” section? UT should review all material before deciding on admission status.

My son was accepted on 1/27 and there were 4 things listed under “To Do” that day. Then on 2/3 we got an email saying that important information was sent to MyStatus and when we checked, the only difference we saw was that there were now 5 things listed under “To Do”.

Any sense of when UT will release Engg honors decisions? OOS here waiting


My D’s “To Do” list isn’t related to pre-admission actions. Her list includes: accept enrollment, pay the deposit, send immunizations, submit final transcript, and confirm emergency contacts.

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Congratulations to family accepted to UTA! and sorry for those high stats students who didn’t get acceptance. I was wondering for the OOS students who received admission acceptance, do you accept UTA right away and secure the spot & housing or wait until all other school release their decisions which some can be until end of March or early April?

I just saw a youtube video last night about a student who was CAPed and went through appeal process to get into UTA and her desired major (Business). not sure if you want to explore the appeal process.

My son applied for housing already back in October, as it opened up back then already and my understanding from everything we heard is that housing is competitive. He is also OOS and was admitted, but we are waiting to make a decision until we have decisions and merit scholarship info from other schools.

For those who are planning to appeal, how are you going to submit recommendation letter?

I had the similar question and was able to speak to a housing rep. She indicated that the housing priority is based on when the housing deposit is completed. It’s ok that the kids don’t commit till late March or April (but definitely before May 1st). The housing contract will be offered after the students commit the admission based on the availability. However, the dorm selection will still go by the order when the housing deposit is completed. If you haven’t put in deposit, you may want to submit the deposit ASAP.

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By deposit, do you mean the housing application? My son did that back in October.

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