UT Austin class of 2026 admissions


Just a side note: UTA is University of Texas at Arlington.

When referring to Austin it’s just UT or UT Austin. :blush:


Is there even a topic talking about UT Arlington? :wink:

FYI some admissions to the Fine Arts department are out tonight, specifically the Butler School of Music


Yes, thank you! My son got in for Music Composition. Portal got updated though didn’t receive the mail yet

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Does anyone know if accepting admission to UT is binding in any way? DS22 was accepted a few weeks ago and while UT is one of his top choices, he’s still waiting to hear back from half his schools who won’t release decisions until late March or even April 1st for a few.

However he knows that housing is competitive and he can’t get a housing contract until he accepts admission to the university (he already paid the housing deposit in October when he applied.) Since UT starts offering housing contracts on March 1, he’d need to accept before then to hopefully ensure a spot.

What happens if a student accepts admission to UT, then changes their mind because they got into another top choice after the fact? Other than loss of the deposits are there any other repercussions?


I would think student can back out and just loses the deposit (for both admission and housing). I know couple friends paid deposit for admission and housing for kids then find out their kids got accepted from waitlisted schools and changed their mind to attend other schools.

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that is crazy. My daughter’s stats are just a little lower (but lots of service hours) and she got in her first choice of Mechanical
 so odd.


DD just got admitted to UT Butler School of Music, clarinet performance. Portal updated, no email yet.


Daughter just got this email:

Your drafted scholarship application is closing soon!

Please be aware of the following deadlines for Texas Exes Scholarships:

  • Entering Freshman: February 15 at 11:59 p.m. CST

  • Current UT Undergraduate/Graduate/Transfer Student Application: March 1 at 11:59 p.m. CST

You have until the deadline to make changes to/update information inputted into your scholarship application. You should also use this time to double-check you have correctly entered your UT EID in the “General Application” section.

If your student UT EID is incorrect and does not match the UT system, your application will not be considered.

She was CAP’d two weeks ago. Kinda weird, UT.

doesn’t this happen all the time, with all schools? what’s different about UT? only ED is binding.

Congratulations to your DD! What an awesome accomplishment.

Congrats @Melbamom ! DS is in for Saxophone and one of his friends is also in for Clarinet. I’m probably more excited at the possibility of having him close to home than he is, LOL! We’ll have to see how his other auditions play out but absolutely thrilled to have this as an option.


Housing is based on when you put the $50 down for housing. This can be done as soon as you have finished your application. This puts you in line for housing. while contracts start coming out march 1st, the ability to choose housing is based on the $50 application. No need to accept admission until you are sure. You will not get back the $50 though.


DD was admitted to her major on 1/21. We are still waiting for the “you’re admitted” USPS mail to arrive. Really want a photo with it. Anyone else admitted on that date receive it yet?

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It usually takes 2-3 weeks.

Congratulations! Can you please share her stats?

Could you share the link for that video? Thank you.

@jenniepglass UT Austin appeal experience: how i got into UT after getting CAPPED! appeals tips & tricks - YouTube

Just to clarify, UTA is University of Texas-Arlington. UT is University of Texas at Austin, UT Austin (which a lot of the students say), or just UT.