UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Congrats to those who had been accepted! how long are your UT supplemental essays? in ApplyTexas, it says “limit words to 250-300”, but on UT website, it says “40 lines or 250-300, or one paragraph”, 40 lines are way more than 300 words though. Would it be an issue if exceeding 300 words but within 40 lines?

Daughter kept her supplementals to 250-300, I believe.

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I stuck with the word count suggestion, as lines could alter word count by the font.

@DSWM @jaxon1 thank you!

Good luck to everyone applying to UT. My daughter, while OOS is in Class of 2023 but staying for her iMPA. She absolutely loves UT!

Their application process could be a headache especially when you’re in state and waiting to find out if you get your first choice major and for non autos and OOS when they accept in batches and hold all rejects until the end (horrible system) but it’s worth it in the end.

If you plan to live on campus (she didn’t) absolutely put down your deposit now. Your choice of housing is by date of deposit. You should pay it at the time you apply which stinks because it’s non refundable whether you attend or not but it’s only $75 I think so worth it for peace of mind.

Good luck and Hook’em!


Hi All–My S22 is the last of my 3 applying to college, but the first since we moved to TX a year ago. Can anyone explain the whole auto-admit policy? My son was told that since he is top 2% of his class, he is not only auto-admit, but will be admitted directly to his first choice major. Is this accurate?

Admitted yes, not automatically directly to major. I guess if it’s a non-competitive major (won’t call any out) it’s possible.

Auto-admit does not guarantee admittance to major of choice.

In looking through threads from last year, it seems that the kids who were auto-admit and didn’t get major of choice were petty much placed into a general university studies type of major, as opposed to their second choice.

Some majors are very difficult to transfer in to if not admitted as an incoming freshman, so definitely have a back up plan.

Good morning! My daughter is auto admit and submitted her UT Apply Texas application yesterday. What are y’all seeing from UT with regards to turn-around to get her an ID and set-up in their system? And from there, the time line for acceptance and major review (Engineering). She is top 5% of a very competitive Texas school/district, NMSF, 1580 SAT and strong course rigor/grades, AP scores, etc.

You should get your ID in a day or two, maybe less!

We submitted Aug 1, so it took longer before they started releasing those auto-admit acceptance letters (Also because the new Apply Texas was buggy those first couple of weeks.). But, I spoke to a friend today whose daughter submitted about 1-2 weeks ago as an auto admit, and they received their admission yesterday or the day before—-I don’t recall her exact details at the moment. Assuming all parts of your application are received, you should receive your auto acceptance rather quickly.

In reviewing last year’s thread, auto-admits did not start hearing about admission to their major of choice until October, and looks like that went out in several waves.

Her stats look great! I’d be surprised if she didn’t get her major of choice, especially if she’s strong in math.

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Thanks for the info! It’s so interesting how the different schools do things. She loves her math classes!

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Very quite thread here! Any idea on when 1st wave will be reapers this year!

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It’s been a while since I looked through last year’s thread, but I believe last year the first wave of admissions in to majors went out mid or late October

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Question about apply Texas ….do you have to fill out the 4 short answers for UT before you can submit the application to UT ? I know you can hold off and do the essay on the UT site. But what about those 4 short answers ? Thanks

Four short answers are mandatory with app submission. But you can re-submit later through myStatus app portal after you receive your UT Id.

@Bader316 , thanks , when you say resubmit them later , do you mean change them in my status ? Like you could still edit what you put in apply Texas and make changes to the short answers in the UT my status page ?

Yes I have a daughter dragging her feet an we have been able to apply to UT Bc she hasn’t finalized those short answers :unamused:

Don’t wait. Deadline although 12/1/21 doesn’t mean you can submit 11/30/21. Many students learn it the hard way even submitting at 11/15/21 sometimes the portal doesn’t update.

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You submit only ONCE on ApplyTexas. No further edit allowed on ApplyTexas.
Buy you can resubmit (not edit) any short answer and/or essay on UT admission portal (MyStatus).
If resubmit is needed, it should be done with a week or so after submitting app because app may get to review committee soon.


You submit only ONCE on ApplyTexas. No further edit allowed on ApplyTexas.
But you can resubmit (not edit) any short answer and/or essay on UT admission portal (MyStatus).
If resubmit is needed, it should be done with a week or so after submitting app because app may get to review committee soon.

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Want to understand how Engg Admission works. If student is not accepted into the first choice of their major, is that the end of their admission to Cockrell?
Also, I have been searching hard for admit stats by Engineering major for past years. Does UT not publish that data?
