UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

That stinks! Best of luck.


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Did you get admitted to CS housed in Cockrell or CNS?

CS housed in CNS


@Grace_Meng Yes CS was my first choice.
@Mel_C my stats 35/4.0 UW/Top 1%/15+ APs/in-state


Not here! Waiting.

Thank you! Congratulations once again!

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I heard of an in-state auto admit acceptance to McCombs.

Daughter is still waiting for Biology as well. Top 7%. 1470 SAT. etc… yadda yadda yadda…

I got in. I applied on September 8th


D got accepted to Gov major (first priority major), COLA, non-auto admit; applied by priority deadline with ACT.


do you happen to know when they applied?

Oct 12, well before priority deadline

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Priority deadline. Auto admit. Top 2%/4.0UW/1570 SAT/18+AP/NMSF. Still waiting on CS@CNS.

I’m not sure but definitely by the priority deadline. In-state, auto admit, top 2 %

Priority deadline OOS, got into CS@CNS


Are you guys still recovering acceptance? Or these are all this afternoon?

Trying to be still hopeful :grin:

Saw someone say they got in for in-state COLA major; I applied regular deadline, non-auto admit and in-state for COLA (Government major) but haven’t heard back yet. Good luck to everyone still waiting! Hopefully this is a sign for more admission decisions to come seeing as this seemed to be almost like a mini wave.

Not yet. I’m a bio major too

people say this is a not a big wave