UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Does anyone else think they might release some admission decisions this week? I mean they haven’t really had a wave yet, right?

What makes you think this?

I think they will.

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This is incorrect, some of my friends got into Computational Engineering as their second choice last year and they weren’t auto admit

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That is their official policy but I guess sometimes they do review 2nd ? Def not common Selecting a Major | Undergraduate Admissions | The University of Texas at Austin

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Does your second choice major matter? This is a little older but I think it still stands for the most part . There are always a few anomalies with admissions.

I am hoping they do that soon, it will allow them to move forward on the Honors applications too!

My son submitted an entirely different essay for the UT essay prompt. I do believe that you can still preview your submission on the Coalition App to see exactly what the school received.

Are all OOS decisions informed February 1?

All prior acceptances and notifications from specific majors prior to February 1 are Texas applicants, correct?

Depending on the major, some deferred to March 1st.


Thank you. Most of the feed seems to be Texas students. I know the OOS numbers at UT are low, and that they are considered after Texas students in a pool of only OOS student applications. One release date seems fine to me. It’s easier.

Is your student OOS (CA, I’m assuming because of “Frisco”)? My son is OOS-CA.

Has anyone heard anything from the Forty Acres Scholarship?

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There is a very large Dallas suburb named Frisco ( where we live ) and tons of kids from our district go to UT Austin .


Has anyone from the Chicagoland area heard of any admissions?

@PlanoAggies : Thanks for the response. COLA would be out. But he would be fine with being able to choose Physics or Chemistry in CNS. Would UT admit my S and extend him that option to choose a different major in either CNS or in COE ?

@tcrewmom : unfortunately the threads on this site for UT class of 2025 ; 2024 ; and 2022 etc are full applicants which are having better stats than my S above ; and they did not get admitted to CS/COE - ECE/CNS. Had I been aware of those outcomes of applicants with similar / better stats than my S … and that UT does not admit non-top 10% and extend an offer to choose a different major ; then I would have instead encouraged my S to apply for a less competitive major in COE / CNS as his first choice.

We have similar concerns as I didn’t realize my S with an SAT we thought would be competitive for CS seems to be at a disadvantage. We are simply casting a wide net and applying to many different schools. We are not married to UT and going out of state or to a private school is an option.

Yes, Frisco city is a northern suburb of Dallas. Ironically, its name is somehow related to San Francisco as it named after the railway terminals.

About 8-9% of student enrolled are Out of state. That’s still a good 700-800 out of state freshmen every year.


40 acres awards usually get announced in March. Finalists will be notified late Feb or early March.


I swear the suspense is killing me, I really hope they end up accepting me.