UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

My daughter’s friend said his counselor told him UT was going to release decisions for Liberal Arts but the system crashed.

For Forty Acres, they conduct interviews in early/mid January, and I was wondering if anyone received an email or phone call inviting them to an interview


I personally am not a liberal arts major, but jeez I had no idea their system may crash like that. With so many applicants, I imagine that’s what would happen

Wonder how long it will take to fix the issue

Counselor also said UT decisions will roll out from now through Mar 1 with those who applied through priority will hear by Feb 1.


No idea about 40 acres. However, the University of Texas seems to be unusually slow this year compared to prior years at going through admissions. I suspect it may have something to do with the huge number of applications they have received. Applications have nearly tripled since 2012.

Something indeed seems off, but shouldn’t at least the number of auto admits be about the same?

Or maybe they don’t have enough reviewers?

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Did anyone else just get a text from ApplyTexas about asking college questions to their bot ADVi? Seemed kind of strange to me so I figured I would ask.

i just did too. seems random.

I was actually just thinking about this. The population of Texas is growing so one can assume that the percentage of top 6 percenters is growing too. I am guessing that soon it will only be top 5% that are admitted.


Specifically this last 2 years due to no score required

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I’ve will be heard 3% just getting harder and harder

I got the text. I was not sure if it’s a scam at first

What is the text for?

It just said that you could respond with questions about college-related stuff and get a quick response from their bot. I tried it and it works but not for really specific questions. It’s like the Bevo Bot on the UT website but for all colleges.

Tbh I couldn’t really tell you. It made no sense. Just was a bot saying it would answer questions abt admissions

There’s a whole website about it if you look it up. The timing was sort of odd since our applications are done by now if you’re a priority deadline applicant like I am.

Wonder when the first wave will be?

Indeed. They seem to be good at adjusting to population growth, but things have been crazy with COVID and people moving to Texas this past year or so.