UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

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They often post on Twitter also. There is a Twitter handle for UT Austin admissions. I didn’t see anything there today. I did see the Instagram story.

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Not to be a hopeless romantic (lol) when it comes to UT and I’m pretty sure the admissions Instagram doesn’t really know when admissions will be released but they posted something today with the caption “Baby Bevo sending warm and cozy vibes to all students waiting their admissions decisions” so at least they acknowledge we are waiting but the “vibes” they are sending are not doing much :weary:


They may be trying to calm everyone down. Perhaps they are getting lots of phone calls.


Please keep the discussion focused on UT. California public universities and their policies are off-topic for this thread.


Hate to bust your bubble on this theory but my twin and I both got into Ivy’s recently AND UT in Nov/Dec. so I really don’t think they are flagging people that they think will get into an ivy and the not accepting them yet. My twin heard back from UT FAST and with honors because his stats are so amazing. However, if it makes you feel better, my friend hasn’t heard back from UT and he’s auto-admit and amazing stats…I’m sure he will eventually get in though. I think it just depends on one’s major. Hope everyone hears something soon!


Does UT ever admit regular decision applicants (not priority) before the Feb 1 deadline? Or do they only admit priority students before Feb 1? 'm asking because my in-state, non auto admit kiddo applied RD but we are hoping to not wait until March 1…

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Wow! Congrats to you both on getting into Ivy’s ED/REA! Looks likes no UT for y’all even with hearing back early!

Congrats on the Ivy admission! It seems most in the Nov/Dec round had high stats. My S falls into that bunch but his major is CS which is competitive. Most CS admits I’ve seen, assuming they are being honest, can get into Ivy schools. Perhaps UT made an effort to admit them before Ivy decisions come out, but it also gives them a view on how many other admits they can have if that group drops out. Second half of Jan will be interesting. My S has applied to Ivys in RD as well.

According to the Tex Admissions guy’s blog, normally everyone hears back by Feb 1 regardless of when they applied with the exception of international students.


Is there going to be an admission wave tonight?

Someone went extra distance on Reddit with fake screenshot and all. Not sure they realize the impact such bad taste rumors have on mental health of students.


There is really no way of knowing at this point. I do follow Jay Hartzell’s Twitter account. He posted a video of himself signing notes to future students just before the last wave. He hasn’t posted anything admissions related lately.

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On the good side, UTD’s rank is moving up faster. We definitely need more schools and better schools.


It also depends on what other schools are on the table, right?

If RD for OOS also gets decision by Feb 1?

Assuming past history holds true, yes. Seems this year is different regardless of in state or OOS.