UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Son got accepted to McCombs last night. In state, auto admit! So pumped.


Has your daughter received an honors interview? I have similar stats. Thank you!

Has anyone gotten in for non-auto government major yet??

will there be another wave for auto admits? Or does this seem like the last one?

Does anyone know if Turing requires interviews?

have yall heard of any bio majors (non-auto, in state) getting in?

was this only an auto admit release? did anyone get in oos?

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Thereā€™s probably more

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oos havenā€™t heard anything

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Unless Iā€™m mistaken, from what Iā€™ve heard, Turing does not offer interviews for their program.

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Some applicants will get interviews, but you can be admitted without one (like I was).

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For sure it seemed like it was more auto and few non auto

Here is the update from Texadmissions Bog site

Update #4, Friday, January 14, 2022: UT has released some decisions, mainly auto-admitted Texas residents. It seems some non-auto admits have also received their majors. A handful of my top academic auto-admit clients have gained admission. Itā€™s unclear how big this wave is or whether UT will continue releasing decisions throughout the weekend. As usual, there is zero communication from official UT sources or social media.


still waiting --non-auto, in state, bio

I am auto-admit, in-state, BHP interviewed, 2% in my class, and I have not heard back at all. Iā€™m aiming for McCombs. I am so scared and nervous. Do you all think there will be another wave for autos or just in general. I am very discouraged because my friends all got into McCombs and I havenā€™t.


Hello. I am an auto-admit, in state, and applied for CSB (CS first choice). Do you find out about being admitted into CS first then CSB or vice versa? Also, if I wasnā€™t admitted to CS this past weekend, does it mean I was rejected from CS? Thank you!

My son is also auto-admit, in-state, BHP interviewed, top 3% in his class, National Merit and has not heard back at all.

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Are there any auto admitā€™s here who had an interview for BHP and received admissions to McCombs?

I have not heard back either. I hope there is another wave.

Hang in there. My S just got into CS yesterday but several of his high school classmates didnā€™t. They are competitive candidates based on what my kid told me. I would be shocked if there isnā€™t at least another wave, including CS.