UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

My kiddo received it.
We have not heard anything form UT otherwise. OOS.

Not yet. Non-auto, biology major

I am admitted to CS, but did not receive MLK email.

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My auto-admit/still pending major did not receive that email.

My son received MLK email about an hour ago. OOS & haven’t heard from UT yet.

I also did not receive any X’mas email. The last general email was few days before Thanksgiving.

Yes, my son received it also. And it is a pet peeve of mine. Of all people, the Admissions Director should not be sending out emails saying, “We look forward to celebrating next MLK Day with you on campus!” unless the recipient has been (or is going to be) accepted.

Absolutely tone deaf by him and UT.


totally agree! hopefully we’ll be hearing good news soon

My kid did not get it and has not received an admissions decision yet. Has not gotten any of these emails

What and where is RIS?

I got it. These emails go to all applicants, I think.


D22 received similar MLK email and it is from UT Honors.

the header was

UT honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

but it was sent from admissions@austin.utexas.edu

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My daughter just had lunch with a good friend who is a freshman at UT this year. She said all of her 1st semester classes were online only (even though she lives on campus in Austin), and this semester, there will be at least two more weeks of online only before a decision is made whether to go back to in-person. She is an Advertising major, so I don’t know if this is the case for all majors, but if you’re applying to UT to avoid online classes, you might want to do some research to make sure you will really be avoiding them.

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I think the email was saying ut is honoring MLK not that it was from the UT honors program


I have a senior at UT and a Sophomore at UT. All of their classes were in person last fall. UT announced last week that the first two weeks of this semester would be online; however, they gave the professors the option to also hold class in person.


got the MLK message today from Admissions too. I did not know MLK had visited UT.
in-state, non-auto

got email also and I’m OOS & haven’t heard back yet

UT last fall had mostly in person for small classes. Labs were in person. For large Freshmen classes some went virtual.

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Admissions don’t send email on other occasions such as Easter, Columbus, President even New Year. So sending this MLK email especially the tone was supposed to be for accepted students showed some dysfunction and lack of professionalism on the part of UT Admission Office.