UT Austin Class of 2027 Official Thread

Congrats! Texas A&M is a great school and you will have an amazing college experience. Plus you’ll have the Aggie network- can’t put a price tag on that. Enjoy the rest of your senior year!


It is always good to chance early in August.

Even though ACT average is below general (don’t see your breakdown score though), UT looks closely on course strength. UW GPA although “low” but your rank is good, that only means your high school don’t give easy As. In fact your GPA is about average to UT Psychology major.

If your 6 APs (with college board scores) are social science oriented and scoring high (5s and 4s), such as AP statistics, AP psychology, AP English and Literature, AP Econ… Then there is a chance if you tie your essay, ECs and goals (of changing world) nicely.

ECs don’t need to be a lot, too many ends up giving people wrong impression (that none of them is serious). A good long (4-year) focus (e.g. HOSA) is good enough and it gives your essay more focus.

Last thing hard to chance is not knowing your essay, many students spend too much time explaining why they pick a major, but admissions actually want to know more about what students want to do with the major. The original idea was having essay A, B and C for students explaining the past, present and future, but many students end up getting too creative (especially on essay C - the ticket) and providing something completely irrelevent.


Two of our children were accepted into PII in the past couple of years, both were notified in December, one was auto-admit, one wasn’t.


I have heard from multiple former UT admissions reviewers that if an applicant is not an auto-admit, UT will not consider their second major choice. Second major choices are only considered for auto-admit applicants who are not selected for their first choice.

Do you know if there is any scenario where UT would consider a non-auto admits second major choice in the application process especially in the ultra competitive majors where very few spots are available (ex. CS, Nursing).

Will UT consider the second major choice of a non-auto admit during the appeal process?

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Correct, second choice major is mainly used for auto-admit, when their first choice majors are full.

For non-auto, they will not look at the second major choice. In other words, for non-auto, it is not a good idea to select a very competitive major as first choice.


is biochem one of the more competitive? i am non auto, but the rest of my application is quite strong (with the exception of essays since they are hard to gauge) in comparision to current auto-admits and past auto/non autos from my school/district. I know UTs hardest majors land in cs, business, engineering, but i’ve heard CNS majors other than cs are still quite selective if they are stem

I like this article about major competitiveness: Recommended UT-Austin Majors Rank and Test Score Minimums — Tex Admissions

It has a chart showing that CS, engineering majors (like Biomed, EE), Architecture, and Business majors are more selective.

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Any of UT’s CNS majors are going to be competitive, including Biochem.


Everything in CNS is competitive, not ultra-competitive like Comp Science or Engineering.
Biochem is basically pre-med so it is also competitive. It is Biological Science in CNS that is less (but still quite) competitive.

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Yes, but note that other “less” competitive majors require less scores but still require much higher auto-admit ranking (top 2%) to be safe.

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What about Nutrition and Public Health?

These are slightly less competitive in CNS but for non-auto stiill need to be close to top 10%, better with high scores (~1500), plus essays explaining the goals of getting the major.


UT appears to highly value applicants who show significant leadership – multiple sports captains, class/student body leaders, yearbook/newspaper editors and Eagle/GS Gold. Some who had these experiences could be in bottom of top quarter with less competitive majors.


According to First-Year Applications | College of Natural Sciences (2022 Freshman Class Profile) (if I’m understanding the data correctly), there were 91 Nutrition applicants admitted. Of the 91 that got admitted, 48 ultimately enrolled. The only thing is that it doesn’t tell you how many applied. So there could have been 91 applications or 900. That data is not on there, but at least you get an idea of how many admissions. You can find data on all CNS majors.


My son was accepted into ECE Honors at UT Austin last year (Freshman, 2022). Based on our experience, I think essays and extracurricular related to the intended major are very important specially for Electrical and Computer Engineering.

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Thanks. When did you all hear back from UT?


Between now and end of Feb.


Mid Jan for ECE admission, March for ECE honors decision


anyone else or their kid get an email wishing seasons greetings from UT? I am assuming this doesn’t mean anything in terms of admissions but it seems like a bit of a tease…


I got it too. Yes, a bit of a tease