UT Austin Class of 2027 Official Thread

For our DS too, it shows up “BAD 1000 DATA” on the RIS link.
Not sure if this means anything. It was like this even couple weeks ago.

For those who do not have a deposit amount in RIS, do not read into it. We did that for you last year:) Some students somehow had that amount show up early, and for our son and others, it was not until acceptance. Hang in there everyone!

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Some people recall 7 PM CT last year, hoping it’s a little bit earlier.

i think the status update email is usually sent around 7 pm cst but i think mystatus starts updating around 5 pm cst

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Well then I will keep checking here to see if anyone posts anything!

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I also see the same thing as Aparna, Fall 2023, and can see my major. In state applicant

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so does that mean you’re in?

did the people who didn’t have bad error get in?

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congrats i think that means you’ll be accepted later tn. would u pls be able to upload a screenshot of that so we know what it looks like?


what major?

Do any auto-admits show “Bad Data”?

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i’m not sure tbh but i don’t think so?

Sorry guys, forgive my ignorance. What does RIS stand for?

Not expecting much as an Austinite but heres hoping if it comes out today we all get in :crossed_fingers:


I am auto-admit and waiting for a decision on major. I see “Bad 1000 data” when I open RIS

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Registration information sheet

yes, it still says “bad data” for some auto-admits. it’s a glitch in their system. 2 weeks ago on this forum, people said if you had information in your RIS you were getting accepted - nobody got accepted. people are reading into things too much and while having information show up on your RIS may mean you get admitted - it says nothing for the timeline of when. your RIS reading “bad data” also does not mean you won’t be admitted.


Is it coming out tonight???

yeah but those were autos that had that. we were talking abt the $200 enrollment fee as a good sign and then we realized everyone who had that was an auto so it didn’t correlate to if they got into their major or not. if u actually have major specific things in ur RIS then i believe that means u will get in, but again take everything we say with a grain of salt because one really knows for sure

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