UT Austin Class of 2027 Official Thread

I’m sure this was said before but I think a big component of what’s going on here is the fact that they are now on common app. Likely seeing way more applicants/unable to get them done on time. This is probably contributing to the uncertainty


Austin mom here as well. Have not heard anything for my student or many of his classmates that I know of. One Turing admission is all I’ve heard.

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I don’t think that there will be an extreme surge in applicants this year due to the Roe vs Wade incident along with other factors. Although, yes, UT Austin was put onto the common app, I believe that the difference in decision dates is not affected by the number of applicants. 2020 saw a pretty big surge in applicants but decisions were still put out earlier than this year.

Purdue and GT were exactly on time. No drama at all.


I’ve also heard (I don’t know how credible) that they’ve been having issues with the applications that are processed through CommonApp. Has anyone heard anything like this?

Either way, I think it’s plausible that they’ll defer a lot of applicants - I doubt they’ve gotten through all the applications by now.

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I hope that’s not true bc my D23 applied through the CommonApp. :fearful:

I heard tonight that UT received in excess of 100,000 applications this year in part due to Common App. I do not know if that is true or not but it would explain why the release of results has been so different than in previous years. Also heard that it is very likely that many applicants will get deferred next week — because of the volume of applications the school has had to review. Sounds like for many this process will get pushed another month or two. We shall see very soon.


What about the top 6% in-state students? Why should they wait longer for their decision if those OOS students can go elsewhere?

Not trying to be disrespectful. I just don’t understand why UT as an institution would make applicants suffer like this.


If they got close to 70,000 applications last year on Apply Texas alone, it’s very possible they could have received 100,000 this year with CommonApp and continuing to be test optional.


LOL if you think Roe v. Wade caused kids from Dallas or Houston not to apply because they wanted to pay $50k out of state tuition at a “safer school for womens health” like Wisconsin or Berkeley vs. $13k at UT. And if caused fewer out of state applicants, that’s better for Texas kids!


Yeah I was talking about OOS kids :slight_smile:

Do you have a source for the number of applications?

I was one who has been watching to see if Dobbs decision would cause a decline in OOS applicants in states with abortion laws in the works, or already passed with the trigger clause. Selfishly I was hoping it would help my OOS student who is applying to a number schools in these states (AL, TX, SC, GA, FL).

Not a one had a decrease so far. In fact, the numbers have increased crazily yet again at all the schools where everyone was saying they wouldn’t send their kids or their kids wouldn’t apply to bc of Dobbs. It’s been interesting to observe.


I’ve heard Rice has a record number of applicants as well.


Dobbs doesn’t impact people who have money. So understandable that we wouldn’t see a decrease in applications from these folks.


Does UT actually defer people? I’ve never heard of anyone who’s gotten a deferral before

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I would not expect this. People are moving to these states in droves and most probably never even think this type of ‘issue’ will happen to their kids.

It’s probably similar to someone not going to a ‘lib’ state. Their words. Not mine.

Yes some will say I’m not going to CA or Mass because of this or that but it’s likely small overall.

And what will these kids do when their job, like mine, forces a move from CA to TN - and it was make $40k less to stay or pick up and try a new place to live. Yes even my very liberal wife even said - we’re going to Nashville.


I agree. Texas is not hurting. What does a population boom mean for Texas housing and infrastructure? | KERA News

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(I tried to just type that but it wouldn’t let me bc it wasn’t a sentence. :roll_eyes:)

anyone know the acceptance-deferral-rejection ratio estimates that can be expected for the EA round? like does UT defer a large majority of EA applicants? (60-80%?)