UT Austin Class of 2027 Official Thread

Ok, I’m asking this as a first time mom to a senior entering college. I have been reading this thread and I genuinely don’t understand the anger to UT right now. As far as I read they never said it was coming out last week they’ve said by Wednesday. I have read that in the past they’ve come out in waves but it doesn’t appear they are doing that this year and in fact said by Feb 1. I don’t believe that you need to confirm college selection until beginning of May and several colleges haven’t provided EA decisions yet so why is there such heavy disappointment for a few days? I’m just wondering if there is something about the TX decisions I am missing. Also, with record high EA apps wouldn’t it be better to get as many read/decided rather than just being pushed into regular decisions? It still seems much earlier and clearer than CA schools which send them out with seemingly no clarity or scheduled timeframe.


it’s just frustrating for everyone because they always send waves. so when they don’t release any decisions, it makes people anxious from waiting

Many view the UT process as exactly that - no clarity or scheduled timeframe, other than a “no later than (maybe)” Feb 1 date. When some kids find out in November, some in December, some in January, even though they all applied by the Priority deadline, it creates chaos and stress. When the guy next to you in class has been in since December 10 but you’ve been hitting refresh every day for the last 2 months since then…not a great system.


This year is the same as last few years.

Auto-admit gets acceptance within 2 weeks, very top students got their majors before winter break, some get their majors in January.

Outside top 6% have to wait, CAP at end of January, or Feb through March even waitlist till April.


The lack of clarity is what frustrates us. Historically, there has been a trend that we can relate to but for some reason, this year is different. Most other schools either have a rolling decision or they are more specific with timing so everyone knows. We did not bother much about our other schools because they were pretty much specific as to their timing for the release of their decisions. Even though the kids have till May 1st to commit, most commit earlier so they can start the housing process early especially if they want to apply for the LLCs at UT. I already have a child at UT and I know we did a lot early once the decisions came out and he committed.

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UMass doing the same thing with “waves” and with no communicated clarity on who/why/when. Driving a lot of people on those boards crazy too. Is the solution though to have everyone wait until the last day when everything is wrapped up? That kid that got accepted 12/10 might have moved on to a different school by that point. Tough situation with no clear answer.

Also reading (though can’t be certain it’s real or not) that there’s been records numbers of deferment’s to RD. Can’t help but think some schools are going to get bitten in the butt by not making their yield.

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Same here. A few years back they CAP at Feb 1st. But pretty much the same every year.


Brother at 6.1%, many of his friends don’t even apply UT as chances outside 6% is very slim. He won’t check his portal until Feb.


UT rarely defers

Chances of a wave today?

Exactly, every year is the same pattern, nothing changed. Some just won’t accept the reality just complain. And if this is the parents doing that it is the worst kind as parents supposed to support their kids and accept any outcome.


That’s very presumptuous of you to assume any parent here who discusses their kids’ other options is “laying the the groundwork” for their kid to attend another school just or save face. Maybe it’s called good parenting and mature kid to not have a “dream school” or put all their eggs in one basket. Not everyone is drinking the UT or Bust Kool Aid.

I don’t know if you’re a student or parent, but you don’t have to be so pompous and degrading in every post.


Yeah! UT has been consistent all these years. Auto-admit got in within a week, top 1-2% got their majors before break unless they sabotaged their essays, lower end of top 6% auto may not get their majors. Outside top 6% should see UT as a reach.

Parents’ role should be supporting their kids in trying their best and many high schoolers in fact are pretty cool about it. Counselors telling students to check in Feb is the right thing to do, in fact I see many parents not being realistic not recognizing outside top 6% the chance is very slim.


I know at least 3 (there are probably more) top 2% seniors from my D23’s class that are still waiting to hear if they get their first choice majors. It’s pretty soul crushing for a kid that has worked so hard. Also, UT is financially a ‘bargain’ for Texas residents. Most have to really consider paying so much more $ to send their kid to an OOS public that is academically equal or close to equal to Texas. This is my second child and nothing seems fair about college admissions, but releasing decisions on a known day is kinder, IMO (Thank you UGA, UNC, GT and all that do).


Completely agree!! This process is brutal on all these kids and their parents. My son finally relaxed slightly when he was accepted to his first school but still awaiting his other choices. Thankfully he does not have a dream school. He loved UTx Austin, UCLA, Chapel Hill, Cornell, Brown but in reality the cost may be the deciding factor. Totally understand Texas parents anxiety about the cost of college beyond their state schools. Good Luck to everyone…hope the decisions are out soon.


Does anyone know/ think it’s coming out tonight

On Reddit someone said their counselor called and was told it will be “exactly” on Feb 1. Again take this knowing this person may not know more than anyone on here


Unless and until UT officially says something to the contrary, I think you have to assume it will be released on Feb 1.

Can’t wait until my DD gets deferred lol:


When will I receive my admission decision?

If you complete your application by the priority deadline (November 1), you will receive an admission notification by February 1, 2023. This notification may be a final admission decision or a decision deferral to March 1, 2023.

If you complete your application by the regular deadline (December 1), you will be notified of a decision no later than March 1, 2023.

Some decisions are made and delivered earlier than the published decision dates.

As an OOS parent I agree with you. I can see the side of the in-state auto-admit families though. While I don’t think UT is doing anything wrong, I do think it would be great if they would show more empathy towards applicants as this whole college application process has gotten out of control and is taxing for students and their families. The Dean of admission at UGA has a great blog and answers questions about the process. Deans at other schools have Facebook lives or post the decision dates once it is clear when that will be, even if only a few days prior to that day. Again, UT is not doing anything wrong, but many applicants would have had a less stressful week/month if they had known for a fact that decision day is on Wednesday Feb 1 or another day for that matter.