UT Austin Class of 2027 Official Thread

I totally agreed with you here as I am also OOS parent too.

Has anyone called admissions?

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If UT says by Feb 1, then decision day is Feb 1.

That is not the problem.

The problem is that too many people became emotionally invested in the unverified, unsupported random guesses of anonymous people on the internet.


I agree.

Yes I am a parent with an OOS student applying to CS . I called on Thursday of last week. They said the only thing we can tell you in that you will hear back by a Feb 1st .

No I believe it will be a Feb 1st and many many deferrals just like USC early action .

UT always says they defer. And they don’t.

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No one knows anything until it comes out. End of story


Sure. They aren’t doing anything wrong- nothing illegal, nothing they aren’t allowed to do. And sure, you all would be fine if your child was in a class of 412 in a top DFW public high school. Your kid gets to be #1 in the class. In this class, #1 hasn’t been received their major. But #2, #6 and #8 have. Numbers 5, 11 and 12 haven’t heard either. That’s really, really hard- not sure Texas needs to be protected on this one.


True, but sadly even those who do not go on-line will hear because the news spreads fast at schools. Everyone was on-line at noon (west coast) on Friday for the Michigan decision in my son’s Econ class, even though Michigan never announced decisions would be out that time. So many things need to change, and that includes applicant behavior. It is only getting more complicated (think ChatGPT), and I just wish there would be a major reform and possibly some national standardization in this process. That is for a different forum though. I wish everyone good news for today, tomorrow, or Wednesday!


Test optional doesn’t help matters on a standardization front.

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Yes but most OOS are last and for CS is less than a 2% acceptance most other schools it’s the opposite but good for Texas for taking care of their own

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Have not heard yet.

1500 SAT
TOP 2% of Class
15 AP courses.

Many kids with lower ranks were admitted. Something is not correct in this decision process.


To clarify are you waiting for major? Or are you OOS waiting for decision?


If you are in-state you already admitted within 2 weeks as auto. If you are in-state waiting for major likely your major is competitive like comp. science, engineering or your essay is not convincing admission.

If you are out of state, chance is always low, top scores top ranks still need to show adding diversity to gain favor in UT affirmative action.


I think y’all should look at Reddit UT Admissions.


Auto admitted. Waiting for major. Frankly, auto admitted has zero value for parents.

I cannot tell my kid to accept random COLA major, when taking 15 AP classes and working like crazy to maintain top rank and hoping to get into McCombs. There is no justification on these kind of miss in decision process.


What do we think the weather (Austin’s in a freeze) will do to admission timelines?

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To be honest, most major admission done already. There may be just a few more. With that stat there are a lot of other options.

But for future students sake, it is important for top students to convince UT is their goal and what they plan to do with UT degree in the essay. Many students lay out their accomplishment in the essay which is not what they want.


My kiddo is a top 2% and has not heard anything. I do think this year is different than the past years. I hope everyone gets the best decision them soon.

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