UT Austin Class of 2027 Official Thread

Econ to Mccombs is possible but difficult after first year. There are possibilities to do a minor at Mccombs and also the BEOP program. Business Economics Option Program | Economics | Liberal Arts | UT - Austin

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Has anyone been deferred?
DD23 OOS denied. 1540 SAT and 3.91 unweighted GPA. Rigorous HS-14 APs, lots of EC and leadership. Not sure about essays so?

1/800+, 17 APs (11 so far mostly 4s, few 5s and one 3), 1500+, 4.61 W, 4.0 UW, National Merit commended, 5 UIL district level medals, officer in computer club, District winner in some ECs, State winner and National winner in another (not very prestigious and not very competitive), lot of computer ECs - few computer course certifications, winner in java high school coding competition, many personal projects including an app, CSP AP in freshman year, CS A AP in sophomore, took all computer courses offered in high school, rural school but no internships or paper. In state, Auto, Asian Female. Applied 10/27. Got into Purdue (in line for honor), UMD (Scholars honor), Deferred in UIUC.

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DD just checked tonight at my urging. Accepted Civil Engineering. Texas (Houston area). Non auto admit. Top 12%. UW3.97. Test optional. Heavy STEM classes with great grades. All honors classes. 5APs, 2DC. Some ECs. Heavy volunteerism. I thought her essays were very good and she had good recs. Asian. We treated it as a reach. Very surprised.


So being CAPPED does not give you the opportunity to transfer into McCombs after Freshman year, just limited COLA correct? McCombs first choice with Communications second choice.

@KRFleenor r

That is correct, CAP can only transfer into Liberal Arts.

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How is the econ program in COLA ? The college is liberal arts but the degree is called BSC Econ. Bachelor of Science Econ.
Kind of confusing to me .My daughter wants to do law and she applied first choice Mccoombs and second choice Econ on COLA and we thought these were her best choices . She did not get Mccoombs and kind of I think her EC were more towards law and although she had a great SAT score she by mistake checked not to consider it.
She has applied to lot of prestigious schools and the results will come out by march end. Her other ED was USC and she got in USC school of Marshalls but UT is definitely a great in state school.

My daughter got capped! But she’s happy! She was already accepted at UTSA so I wonder how that will work with the CAP program?

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Thanks. This looks like a good option. Looks like she can get into only after completing first year and maintaining a minimum GPA of 3.0.


Rejected McCombs
GPA 4.0 UW/ 4.65 W
SAT 1550
2 sport varsity athlete
Good ECs

OOS rejected.

34 ACT
101 weighted GPA
12 AP’s
Varsity and club soccer player
Many extracurricular
Strong essays

OOS, California - Data Science
1480 SAT, 770 M
3.85 UW/4.36 W, 90/1100 Class Rank
12 APs, 3 DE, 5-6 Honors
Merit Aid: None Yet
Need Aid: N/A
Strong EC’s and above average essays

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Also very surprised. I applied on Dec 1, but accepted In-State CS today. No Honors decision yet.


Correct, CAP is only for COLA.

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CAP is a contract that once a GPA is met, the transfer to UT is granted. UTSA itself is also a great school!

SMU has been sending D23 nonstop emails about “it’s not too late to apply” and they have engineering. I’d also look into Tech, Oklahoma, OK State, or LSU. All have solid engineering schools and possibly later deadlines. I know she’s going to land somewhere great if it’s not UT!


Congrats! my son is also in the RTF Program

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OOS Rejected CS
Applied for RD but got decision today.
ACT 35
Strong ECs, published research paper , president of few clubs
Good essays.

Accepted, in state, Civil Engineering
5:40pm CST status updated, 8:30pm email notification received.

1390 SAT
Rank 11% (one of largest and highest rated public in state)
3.8 uw gpa / 4.9 weighted gpa
Will enter with 33 hours (21 AP, 12 dual credit xfer)
EC: 4-yr marching band, volunteer hours, various honor societies, engineering & STEM college summer camps, etc.
No rec letters submitted
Good essays


duplicate post/wrong thread :woman_facepalming:t2:

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