UT Austin Class of 2027 Official Thread

My son, who entered UT in fall '18, was invited to an admitted student day in the spring (March or April 2018). So, in our experience, there are admitted student days, but they are by invitation; it wasn’t something he could just sign up for. Be on the lookout for an invitation! (I think he got the invitation by email and US Mail.)

thank you so much for the information!

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CAP child’s major is in COLA anyway. Super North Texas competitive district and school within that district. Waiting on one more school. But we are excited simply because it’s an option to the end goal in COLA. Don’t see it as a soft rejection but looking it as an opportunity to get to the end goal. Just a glass 1/2 full perspective for those that are bummed about it.

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Don’t despair yet—my Longhorn Class of 24 was also rejected from engineering & CS. He did an appeal & got in CS. But ended up changing his major & is doing great now with similar skill set. Please read up on appeal process & also consider other major where she could be happy & get same skillset. My HS senior did just get his first choice major but I was on pins & needles cuz of Son1 and the disappointment we all had. but Son1 is doing great now & I know your daughter will too.

There’s a student org meeting with free pizza every day of the week at the beginning of the school year. She’ll make some friends during orientation, during study sections of smaller classes (but probably not the bigger classes unless she’s super extroverted). FIGs are small groups of freshmen with a common interest. I lived in Jester East my freshman year and I met people on my floor – it was a special floor called the Wellness floor (this was ~20 years ago, so probably something new now). I’m an introvert and I never felt lonely. Made friends right away. Everyone else is in the same situation looking for new friends so she’ll find her people as long as she accepts/seeks out opportunities.

Accepted for arts and entertainment technologies! It hurts my heart to see all of you extraordinary out of state and international students who were denied admission. You really deserve admission and I hate that there just aren’t enough spots.

my kid is pretty outgoing- I’m not really worried about her socially. more about her getting lost in the system in terms of advising and making important connections and all that academic stuff. but that’s life- time to grow up…

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Congrats! Would you mind sharing your stats? D also applied to AET and is still waiting to hear. She applied priority…


And I believe if too many CAP students choose English or History or something then UT can change/raise their “auto” admittance requirements. CAP still gives UT all the power whether to admit someone to Austin or not. Anyone choosing it needs to have eyes wide open and backup plans that they’re going to be happy with, IMO.


My D is still waiting to hear back from UT. In-state, Auto-admit with the first choice as McCombs. I see many people getting admitted to McCombs. Just wondering whether some more admissions will come today or over the next few days. Any thoughts?

Best of luck to everyone wherever the college admissions process brings you. It’s a terrible, broken process across the board - I’m very happy for my son but mostly relieved this is my last time going through it.


Thanks. Called them up and fixed it.

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What major was your son accepted to?

My DS got into Civil Engineering as well. She did not submit test scores but otherwise, the stats look very similar and the notification timing the same. Rank 12% at highly rated Houston area public school. 3.97 uw gpa, have 4 AP, 2 DC but all honors classes, various honor societies, volunteer hours, drill team, submitted rec letters, very good essays imo.


My honors acceptance came about a week after admitted. CNS Polymathic Honors. I was not auto admit. My school does not rank.

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Hi! He was accepted into Latin American Studies. He is so super excited!!!
I should have added that he was a contestant on Food Network…not just that he likes it :slight_smile:


This is my favorite comment!


I am minoring in Latin American Studies. I currently live/intern in Nicaragua but I am a Texas resident. What is he planning to do as a career?

oh alright. Do you have any idea if it will still be as competitive as any of the other non-liberal arts majors or will they be a bit more lenient since it’s in COLA

Honestly, she can probably get an almost full ride to Mississippi State, and it has a surprisingly good aerospace engineering program. That’s what my son’s friend did. He loves it.

UT-Arlington also has aerospace. Perhaps start there and transfer to Austin. :woman_shrugging:t2: So sorry for your daughter. Just trying to be helpful.

If it’s any consolation, my auto-admit son did not get into any of his choices last year at UT. He said screw that and now is at SMU. He loves SMU. He is very nerdy, musical, and anti-frat, and he’s very happy there. Btw, SMU gave him a ton of scholarship money.