UT Austin Sports Management

Hello, I am looking for information on sports management at UT because I have been unable to find anything. Which major do you need to apply for to be eligible once you are accepted? Also, If my application is submitted already is it a bad idea to try and switch the major? I want to be a sports management major but I am currently applied for communications. thanks.

The undergraduate college you want is Education Kinesiology & Health Education. The link has the list of undergrad majors offered. http://www.edb.utexas.edu/education/departments/khe/undergrad/

Here is the link on the Masters degree program for Sports Management.https://education.utexas.edu/departments/kinesiology-health-education/graduate-programs/sport-management

there is two kinesiology fields, is it physical culture and sports or applied movement?


You cannot apply to the Sport Management major as an external student, you need to be already enrolled at UT and apply as an internal transfer (i.e. change of major).

so any major is eligible to do so? or do I need to be in the school of education

I intend to do sport management at UT. You are supposed to apply to the physical culture & sports major in CoE. @football56soccer