UT-Austin v. UW-Madison?

<p>I'm a junior in high school and I live in Texas. I want to do a Double Major in Political Science and Economics with a minor in International Studies. I'm debating between UT-Austin and UW-Madison. Austin has a lot more job opportunities (my parents aren't going to help pay for college), is going to be cheaper since I'll be paying in-state tuition, and a lot of my friends are going there (I know we'll probably drift apart, but it would be nice to at least start off with knowing a few people). Madison has a better program for what I'm interested in, nicer (in my opinion, because I like the cold) weather, and it's located in a city that's more of a college town. I really had my heart set on going to Madison, but I've been rethinking everything lately and I wanted some other people's opinions on the pros and cons of the two schools.</p>

<p>My daughter is heading off to Wisconsin in the fall, so I’m predisposed to seeing UW-Madison in the most positive light, but if your parents aren’t going to help pay for college, I’m not sure Wisconsin makes sense for you. UT has a very broad range of strong programs no matter what you decide to study. Do you really value the climate difference and the college town vibe of Madison to the tune of $50-60k over the course of four years?</p>

<p>They are both excellent schools. I am a UT grad and my husband is a UW grad. I’m sure he would tell you the same thing as I’m saying - it makes sense to go to UT, since it’s in-state. You could always go to UW for grad school. My husband did the opposite - went to UW in-state, and then UT for grad school, where we met.</p>

<p>Ditto on UT-Austin. Like those in Wisconsin you are lucky to have an excellent flagship. Do not go into debt just to go OOS. btw- UW has comprehensive majors, no minors. Jobs are regional- UW is close to Minneapolis and Chicago and will be known there (as well as all over the country) so size of job market is not limited to just Wis.</p>

<p>Save your money- go local.</p>