UT BHP vs Wash U, St. Louis Business Program

Based on placements, ranking,and prestige etc. - Wash U is better than McCombs but how would you compare Wash U vs UT BHP?
One issue that I often read about is that UT BHP places most people in TX while Wash U is much more recognized in NYC especially in wall street firms.

Thank you in advance for your feedback. .

Also, would like to know the culture of the two programs.
UT BHP lists that it takes top 2% of graduating class and am wondering if the students are really well rounded or purely academic? Heard that UT BHP people hang out with their own kind and are not really social? In fact, have read that McCombs students feel and get treated like step children compared to BHP and is that true? Is it caused by the preference that institution has created or by the BHP students?
Wash U - how is the culture? Heard that the student population is much more friendly and the students have lot more interest etc.
Can someone who have knowledge of these programs give their opinions. Thank you in advance.

are you talking about graduate or undergraduate?

your statement “Based on placements, ranking,and prestige etc. - Wash U is better than McCombs”.

to me that’s just not an accurate statement. McCombns appears to be higher ranked in most rankings. Finance and Accounting at McCombs are top ranked in the US.

You are trying to split hairs. Rankings work best in groups.

Was referring to Undergrad - should have been more explicit (BHP is only for undergrads).
Placement - P&Q ranks McCombs really low compared to Wash U - in fact, Indiana Bloomington is higher. US News does NOT split the ranking according to various metrics as they do it in PQ (Poets and Quants). Hence, my statement !n fact, if I remember right, last year or previous year, Wash U was ranked #1 among Undergrad Business by P&Q based on all aspects - placement, ranking from students, recruiters, etc,

Wash U is not a target school for wall street either. Both are better at regional placement.