<p>I'm OOS for all the schools I'm applying to. Although this is significant only for UT. I live in a crap state and attend a shi*hole of a school with 35% of the kids who are gangbangers.
I desperately want to leave. </p>
<p>GPA: 4.0/4.0 (7 APs and 7 AP tests will be taken through high school. Right now i have 2 4's and one 5. and i self studied for AP psych)</p>
<p>Rank: 3/256 (might be the deciding factor for UT?) </p>
<p>ACT: 30 (34 CR, 32 E, 29 M, S - Epic Fail. - I hear some colleges dont look at the science score. I read that on Vandy'y blog that they dont put much significance on the science, i think.)</p>
<p>SAT IIs: BioM and World History - 750</p>
<p>Essays: Decent - Good</p>
<p>Recs: 2 Great one (submitted to UT also)</p>
<p>ECs: Varsity Athletics with some community service and work</p>
<p>I just stumbled on CC and went into shock for a couple of minutes after browing some of the posts. Astonished at some of the scores some kids have and still get rejected. I come from a school that kids will think your a genius if you get anything above a 30. </p>
<p>So please chance me for UT (Liberal Arts and Nat Sciences), Vandy, and Hopkins</p>