UVA EA 2026 thread

@yami417 did you apply to CAS or the engineering school? Only asking cause you have done a lot on bio and bioengineering?

Go Blue :wink:

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Who’s ready for tomorrow? What time are we thinking for the decision release?

6pm? It’s been 5 in the past, but I wonder based on Dean J’s comments whether it’ll be a bit later this year. Maybe even 7? Doubt it’ll be any later than that, and it’s likely to fall somewhere between 5-7 eastern.


Agreed, that’s exactly what I was thinking.

i agree it’ll be in between 5-7

does anyone here think they’re getting in? i want to but i’m expecting a rejection or deferral


I am very much expecting a rejection. But I’m still excited to see what happens tomorrow!!


I’d like to think I’d get in! Given that they usually take a few from my school (OOS) and I got into UNC and GT OOS, both of which are harder than UVA, I think I have a good shot, but nothing is for sure!


wow!! good for you! may i ask your stats?

Do you guys think submitting a 1480(790M,690E) was a bad idea for an intl aspiring econ major? I saw the SAT range last year was 1390-1530.

That SAT is amazing, I wouldn’t worry.

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UVA is need aware for international students, and I don’t know whether Econ is under the school of commerce which is a little more difficult to get in.

I have the feeling that 1480 is not going to help you though (but not necessarily hurt you either). Anyway it’s too late either way, just let it happen.

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I applied to CAS where econ was available. I did not apply for aid. I know the SAT will not help me, I just hope it wouldn’t hurt me.

I applied as business (commerce) major. Does this negatively affect my admission chances?

I think so. It’s the only school that you can’t transfer into, if you want to go there, you have to start from day 1.

@grndszn101 the school you applied to would be in your portal so check there for what school you applied to

If you said you wanted to do business you get placed into arts and sciences and then have to apply to get in later. You would have applied for arts and sciences. I don’t think they admit by major so I don’t think it will hurt you.

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Same here…

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