UVA EA 2026 thread

My son does not feel very confident…

Me neither.

My son is not confident either. He has a 3.95 GPA, 1560 SAT (800 ERW/760 Math) Class VP, tons of ECs, 3 Varsity sports, and so on, and has been rejected from 4 schools and deferred at 5 others. Not expecting to get in at UVA as it is so hard to do so from OOS.


wishing everybody good luck today:)


Oh gosh I really hope your son gets an admit soon. This is a rough process.

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We are having a smilier experience, and son has similar stats, although accepted at three “safety” schools but not feeling warm & fuzzy about those choices. May I ask what schools your son has been rejected/deferred from, and what state you live in? My son is a white male from CT but attends private school in NY.


Super similar situation. It’s so disheartening! This system is really broken.


HI SuburbanMom18,

He has been rejected from Cal Tech (not a surprise), Notre Dame, Georgia Tech and UNC. He has been deferred at MIT, South Carolina, Purdue, Minnesota and Michigan. He has been accepted at Michigan State and Auburn, but he’s hoping to get in to one of the deferred schools. Waiting to hear form UVA and VT. He has applied for Engineering at each school. We are from Washington, DC, so UVA would be great as it is closer to home than many of the other schools.


Similar stats and experience here, deferred at 4 schools and not sure what to expect tonight. So disheartening for kids who worked so hard.


Same here. In at 3 Safeties (true safeties), but deferred everywhere else.


me too :confused:

In at 4, 3 of which were safeties. Deferrred by one safety and deferred by an ED.

It’s definitely been a tough year for getting in to “reach” and “target” schools.


So many deferrals this year, too


Just can’t figure out if we should assume the deferrals are rejections or hold out hope?


My S22 had very similar stats as well. I think he has an excellent chance in any of the deferred schools. My son was accepted to a few (1 target, 1 safety); Rejected at GT and waiting on UVA and few others in RD rounds. We are in Va…he is optimistic about UVA but it really has been crazy process. How schools with seemingly similar demo/construct/curriculum and criteria can see a profile so differently (yes its an over generalization, but we’re not comparing to niche liberal art schools or HPYSM). Best of luck today and I’m sure he’ll be happy with where he goes. All our kids have worked incredibly hard to get to this point…keep the faith!


Gosh what schools did he apply?

i’ve gotten into three schools (safeties), waiting to hear back from five (including UVA), and was deferred at one… im not super confident at the moment but i’m holding out hope for one of my target/reach schools

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Hi, all! I’m on these boards for my D applying to BFA musical theatre programs, but the UVa thread popped up in my feed.
As an (aging) alum, GO HOOS and BEST of luck to all of you! I’m pulling for you!


What time will decisions come out?