UVa Echols or Northwestern?

<p>I'm making this decision right now and it's really tough. I love echols and the lack of distro requirements/registration edges/complete academic freedom. however i think NU may be a bit better of a fit socially, with more geographic diversity, and the programs i'm interested in are generally more solid at NU (although the polysci @ UVa is approximately 100 times better from my limited experience). I don't know what to do; I make my decisions very methodically and when i weigh the pros and cons of each, this decision always comes out even. I may have to do this based on just "feel." In any case, your input would be much appreciated.</p>

<p>I have no idea--I haven't gotten to campus yet (start grad school in august) but I did apply to Northwestern for Undergrad. have you visited charlottesville or evanston? Northwestern/Evanston seems like a terribly drab place.</p>

<p>just something to think about.</p>


<p>They're both very solid schools that are similar in academic quality. You should make your decision on non-academic factors at this point, though. Go to whichever one would make you happier or is significantly cheaper...</p>

<p>I stayed in C'ville a few weeks ago for the Echols program; did the whole monroe society thing.</p>

<p>Plus I live ~10 minutes from Northwestern, and I stayed overnight with the Northwestern program for prospective students, so I know what it's like. It's not terribly drab; just may be a bit too close.</p>

<p>you might wanna get out of your hometown and experience some Virginian life.</p>

<p>i would never go to a college in my hometown (such as Georgetown University), my parents would come check on me too often.</p>

<p>I think the most important thing here is gut feel. NW and UVA are well-matched schools in terms of size, atmosphere, and academics (not identical, but similar in many ways). I would recommend that you visit both campuses and just see what feels more like home to you. I think you will come out of that with a pretty clear answer. : )</p>

<p>Yeah I did visit both campuses; I thought that I would have a clear answer afterwards, but I really don't at this point. I think Northwestern might be the easier decision to make for me right now, and if I haven't decided by wednesday, my mom is going to decide Northwestern for me. I like UVa a lot though; it just didn't feel like the "perfect" place for some odd reason. Maybe I am expecting too much.</p>

<p>Having lived in both Cville and Chicago, I can tell you that you should start packing and enjoy all that UVA has to offer. Many members of my family have attended NW and it has much to offer but for someone from that area, you would benefit from the new locale and independence it will offer. You will be exposed to a different culture and pace. January will not be so painful..............</p>

<p>yeah that's what i'm thinking too; it's just weird for me to admit that because right after i got all my admits i was set on northwestern, but after i visited c'ville and stayed overnight at NU it wasn't so close. it's a tough decision, but UVa may win out, especially because of echols.</p>

<p>Tough choice, I'm sure. I can't speak for UVa (excellent place--got in there for grad school but decided to attend elsewhere). I graduated from NU and had an awesome experience, even though my family lives in Chicago. </p>

<p>I really don't think you can go wrong with either school, though. Let me know if you have any questions about NU.</p>