UVA Echols v.s. JHU

<p>man if i was aware of the 6/7 year med programs I totally would have applied. Like Vanderbilit ENGAGE has a 7 yr program, but I had no clue that there were accelerated medcial programs even out there. Ahhh!!! still gonna be a doc tho :)</p>

<p>"Unless you really love LaCross, UVa's Div I sports is killer!"</p>

<p>fyi... uva is #1 right now in lax... they just beat jhu 2 weeks ago by about 10 points</p>

<p>eh.. i wanna be a doctor, not an engineer.. is it really worth going to hopkins??</p>

<p>No, it really doesn't matter where you go to school for pre-med. What matters are your grades, your MCATs, and whatever medical related extracurriculars that you did in college. I know plenty of folks who didn't go to a "top" school who got into Med School.</p>

<p>You know, prestige only takes you so far. In the end, the proof is in the pudding. Meaning you could go to Harvard, but you still need the great grades and high MCAT scores to get into a good medical school. </p>

<p>Re. research, it's what you make of it. Half of UVa students conduct their own research, and UVa even funds many students' research.
<a href="http://artsandsciences.virginia.edu/cue/research.php%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://artsandsciences.virginia.edu/cue/research.php&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Re. Echols, it's pretty cool having the academic freedom and priority registration. Back in my day, you didn't even have to declare a major/concentration at all. You could just take whatever classes you wanted and finish your 4 years w/ an Echols major. They changed that though. Now, you have to have some sort of focus.</p>

<p>So much of college is about the overall collegiate experience, so don't forget to take that into consideration. You can't relive these 4 years of your life, so pick a place that you will really love. I don't meet many people who LOVE Hopkins, but I know a plethora of UVa people who LOVE UVa. (I remember a few years back when Johns Hopkins was a "fakester" on Friendster, so many current students/alums who were "friends" of JHU basically dissed the school. On the other hand, the students/alumni of UVa were effusive about their UVa experience.)</p>