<p>I'm a JMU (James Madison University) student and finished first year with great GPA. Currently double major in Quantitative Finance and Accounting.</p>
<p>Many people suggest to me transfer to UVA, but they do not have undergraduate Quantitave Finance program.</p>
<p>I heard JMU Quantitative Finance major makes way much more than UVA Finance major, but UVA reputation is greater than JMU.</p>
<p>What should I do?</p>
<p>Anyone have idea about job perspective and starting salary for JMU Quantitative Finance major and UVA finance major??</p>
<p>Thanks in advance for your help...</p>
<p>another money hunter</p>
<p>go to a school u LIKE, NOBODY cares about how much u make. you like JMU? STAY THERE! u like UVA better? TRANSFER.</p>
<p>if u are worried that JMU has a smaller "reputation" and that's the sole basis for the transfer, u r wrong. i dont think uva is gonna benefit you at all. if u r smart, u end up earning the same high salary no matter where u go.</p>
<p>are u one of the best students at JMU? if yes, than it's another reason to stay. companies love to recruit top students...</p>
<p>UVA's undergraduate business program is very much like an MBA program. UVA 2nd year students must apply for admission. A lot don't get in. It looks like you may have missed the deadline to transfer to UVA beginning your second year. Thus, you would probably have to transfer in to UVA for your third year. </p>
<p>UVA's undergraduate business program is among the very best in the country. It's accounting program is elite. You will face far more competitive students at UVA than at JMU. That is both good and bad. The good is that the additional competition may make you an even better student and, ultimately, be more successful in your career. The bad is that you are less likely to be at the top of your class the way it sounds like you are at JMU. Everyone likes a winner, including recruiters. Being a top student at JMU can be very attractive to recruiters. </p>
<p>If you think you can compete well at UVA, I would suggest you transfer to UVA because upon graduation you will have a national network and reputation to support your career. If you think you may end up with lower than average grades at UVA, then you are better off staying at JMU. JMU's program has a wide range of students, but it does produce a number of excellent business graduates.</p>
<p>I don't have any salary figures, but I do know that (all other things being equal) a McIntire grad will command a higher starting salary than a JMU grad.</p>
<p>P.S. I would suggest you ignore posts made by people who cannot make at least some attempt at writing in full sentences using the English language.</p>
<p>"P.S. I would suggest you ignore posts made by people who cannot make at least some attempt at writing in full sentences using the English language"</p>
<p>you are talking about me? LOL, did I sound like a proud JMU student? I actually go to UVA. i was not denouncing UVA, but JMU could be the better choice for him.</p>
<p>Hahahah...and then people wonder why, us, UVA students are such SNOBS! gosh!</p>